Caught Red Handed

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This chapter has NOT been edited.


I went up and down the elevator for who knows how long the next day at the hospital. I had so much on my mind and was too afraid to face anyone. I was especially afraid to face River. I mean, what would I even tell him? Or how would I tell him? In the end, the best I could come up with was to hide in the elevator. Of course, that was not the smartest of ideas as almost everyone entering or leaving the hospital used those elevators. River was no different.

"We're meeting in the elevator once again," River said, a large smile on his face upon meeting  me. I felt my heart drop down to my stomach at the sight of him. "Is something wrong?" he asked once he saw my less than happy expression. In my panicked state, I turned my back to him and ran out of the elevator. 

Unfortunately, this resulted me in coming face to face with Nicholas. The second person I did not want to meet.

"Good morning," he greeted, making me feel sick to my stomach. "You too," he said to someone behind me. I briefly turned to see it was River. 

I suddenly felt trapped. River placed a hand on my shoulder and took a step forward, his body slightly touching mine. All the air escaped from my lungs, making me gasp out loud. Both cousins looked down at me before turning back to each other. 

Nicholas looked from River's hand, to my eyes and then to River's eyes. 

"I guess you haven't told him yet," he said, a smirk on his face. I felt like puking.

"Tell me what?" River hesitantly asked. I could feel his gaze piercing into the side of my face, but I was too afraid to meet his eyes. 

"Would you like to tell him or should I?" Nicholas asked. 

"There is nothing to tell."

Nicholas laughed out loud, causing a little audience to grow. 

"Tell me what?" River repeated, only this time his voice was much harder. 

"I am getting married," Nicholas started to speak but only once River opened his mouth to say something did he finish, "to Azra." 

I felt River stiffen and go completely cold beside me. He stepped to the side before turning his whole body to face me. 

I closed my eyes and built up some courage before turning to face River. 

"That is not true," I said as I looked into River's hurt eyes. 

"Is it not?" Nicholas asked, humour laced in his tone. 

"I never agreed."

"You never disagreed either."

I pursed my lips and turned to Nicholas to retort but before I could say anything, River had stormed off. I didn't bother with Nicholas anymore and rushed to River. I didn't want him to misunderstand although it seemed he already had. 

"River wait!" I called but to no avail. River had exited the hospital and was speed walking in the direction towards the car park. 

"I said wait!" I ran up to him and pulled on his arm. 

River stopped and turned to me, causing me to take a step back in shock. Although his jaw was clenched and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, more than angry, he looked upset. No, he looked devastated. He didn't say anything as he looked at me. He didn't need to either way. His eyes did all the speaking for him. They were begging for me to explain everything. Begging for what he just heard to not be true.

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