Grandmother to a Grandmother

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Honestly, this is a really messy and unnecessary chapter but I hope you enjoy regardless of that.

Like usual, this chapter has NOT been edited.


"How was your date?" Mr. Shameless asked me as he went through some papers. 

"Why are we always meeting in the elevator?" I asked, evading his question. 

"Was it fun?" he probed. 

"I mean, three times out of the five times we actually see each other in a single week, it's in the elevator. Do you live in the elevator or something?"

"The food at Good Soup is the best in the country. Did you enjoy it?" 

I sighed and turned to him, "Seriously?" 


"If you had done what I had asked, I wouldn't even have had to go on that stupid date. And as if that wasn't bad enough, you even recommended a restaurant. You're the worst!" I pouted. 

"I thought you would be happy to go on a date with Nicholas," he said, looking genuinely confused.

"Why would you think that?"

"Aren't you in love with him?" 

My eyes almost fell out of their sockets from how large the shock had opened them.

"Love?" I scoffed. "I was infatuated. There's a difference." 

"A slight difference only." 

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "it was just a crush. I'm over it now."

The doors opened and he got off without a single goodbye or even a glance. 

"Bye to you, too," I called out to him as the elevator doors closed on my face. 

"So cute," an old lady said from beside me. I hadn't even noticed we weren't alone on the elevator until she spoke. 

"You gave me a heart attack!" 

"When I was your age, my husband and I used to have lots of lovers' quarrels as well," she reminisced. 

"Oh, that's swe--, wait, lovers' quarrel?" 

"You should treat your boyfriend well," she frowned, "or you'll wish you had once it's too late."

She got off the elevator after that, leaving me alone with her sad words. It wasn't the first time I heard those words though. My mother used to say that about herself often. When I was younger, she would often tell me to treat her better because I would regret it once I was older and she was no longer around. I used to roll my eyes every time she said that but now with a more mature mind, I do understand what she  means. 

My phone buzzed, letting me know of a new task. 

I went over to the room that wanted me "urgently" only to come face to face with what seemed like a war zone. 

"Azra!" Barbara cried upon seeing me. "Thank God you're here!" 

"What is going on?" 

"This lady here said she won't cooperate with us unless you are present."

I turned to the old lady who was busy throwing pillow at a nurse before turning back to Barbara.

"Who is she and why does she want me?"

"I have no idea. She specifically asked for you."

She pulled me towards the old lady and as soon as she saw me, she put the pillow down.

"You're here, my dear!" 


"You don't know me," she laughed. "I heard you're a volunteer worker so I wanted you to tend to me."

I turned to Barbara feeling very confused. "I don't usually help a single patient alone," I explained. "I do--"

"I want you to be my Ward Grandmother."

Everyone in the room turned to Barbara, all looking more confused than the other. 

"Isn't that a program for children who don't have anyone to take care of them during their stay at the hospital?" I asked Barbara. 

"May I speak to you outside please?" Barbara said as she began bee-lining out. 

"You don't actually want me to do that do you? She's passed the adult age and that program is for children only." 

"I know it's for children only but she's one of our critical patients. She transferred here on her own request and has her operation scheduled in for next week. The director asked us to treat her as best as we could," she frowned. "This could very well be her very last request." 

"Way to make me feel bad," I sighed. 

"Will you do it?" 

"I feel like even if I don't want to you're still going to make me."

Barbara grinned before we headed back into the room. 

"Mrs. Combs, this is Azra Grace who will be your Ward Grandmother during your stay at the hospital," Barbara introduced. 

Mrs. Combs stood up and walked over to me, "It is so great to meet you!" she said as she placed her hands on my arms and began rubbing. 

"You too," I awkwardly smiled. 

It was a strange feeling being a grandmother to a grandmother but I also felt like we would get along just fine. 


I promise the chapters will be better and more fun and the story will actually go places once I actually have time to properly think and write. I have a bunch of chapters written but they just seem like filler chapters to me. I will still upload them though because they're all I have at the moment and due to my exams, I don't really have time to write. My exams are ending soon though so it won't be long until the fun begins. 

Thank you for reading up to here. I really appreciate it. :)

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