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"Are you sure you're good enough to go to school today?" 

"Of course," Emma said as she wiped her mouth. "It's just morning sickness. It wont last long."

"Are you really sure?" I asked once again, just to make sure. 

"Azra, I'm completely fine. You can leave," Emma said as she pushed me out of the bathroom, closing the door on me. 

"Call me if you need anything," I called out from behind the closed doors before making my way out. 

Today was my first day as a law intern and I was really excited. At the same time however, I was really nervous. I mean, I was going to be working under Daniella. She didn't exactly seem like the friendliest human out there. 

"It's fine," I consoled myself, "everything will be fine."

"They say to be aware of those who speak to themselves. Apparently they're crazy," someone chuckled. 

I turned behind, surprised that I wasn't alone in the elevator. 

"Sorry?" I asked, clearing my throat. 

"It's actually quite funny," he said with a smile, "people talk to themselves in their minds all the time but as soon as they do it out loud, they're  deemed crazy." 

He wasn't wrong. I awkwardly nodded in agreement. 

He tilted his head to the side, "Unless you really are crazy," he said as he pointed to the level I was getting off at. 

Unfortunately, to get to the legal department you needed to go through the psychiatric department first. I don't know why it was like that but it was. 

"No, no, no," I shook my hands in front of his face, "to get to my destination I have to go through the psychiatric ward. That's not my real destination."

"If you say so," he grinned. I couldn't help but smile in return.

"I'm really not," I pouted. "And from what I can see, you're also getting off at the same spot," I said in an accusatory tone.

He simply chuckled in response. 

"I'm Theo," he introduced, extending his hand. 

"I'm Azra," I took his hand with a smile. 

The doors dinged open and we stepped out. I began walking towards the end of the ward only to hear footsteps from behind me. I turned to see Theo following me. I suddenly felt a little worried so I began to walk even faster. The silent ward was only adding on to my anxiety. 

I sighed in relief once I was out of the ward and literally ran to the building that I knew to be the legal department. 

The doors opened and Daniella popped out. 

"What took you so long?" Daniella screeched. "It's been over an hour!"

I checked the time to see I was still fifteen minutes early.

I opened my mouth to correct her but before I could even speak, Theo beat me to it. 

"Sorry Princess, I can't just leave everything because you told me to." 

"You guys know each other?"

Daniella turned to me, as if only seeing me for the first time. 

"Oh, I forgot about you." 

That's nice to know. 

"Come in," she ushered us both in. 

The legal department was nothing like it sounded. For starters it was not a department so to say, but a simple room scattered with papers in every corner. There was a couple of desks and chairs but besides those and a little table in the centre of the room, the room was completely decorated with stacks of papers. I was starting to be worried. 

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