Mannerless or Mannerful?

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"What are you doing?" I asked River as I followed him around his house. After my semi-confession, Mr. River Yates cutely smiled before excusing himself and going back to his work. Was I frustrated? Yes. Was I going to cry about it? Definitely not in front of him. So what was I going to do instead? Follow him around until I got some sort of confession out of him. I mean, even if he didn't feel the same way about me as I feel about him, I'd still like to know. At least that way I would have some sort of plan for the future. At the moment, I felt confused and it was really bothering me. 

"How long are you going to follow me around?" River asked instead of answering my question.

'Until I seduce you,' I thought to myself. Of course, I wasn't going to tell him that. 

"No seriously, what are you doing?"

He sighed as he picked up an onion. 

"What do people usually do with all these ingredients?" River asked as he pointed down at the vegetables he had placed down on the counter-top. 

I seriously thought about it for a minute before the answer popped into my mind, "You're going to cook?" 

"Ding ding ding," he sarcastically replied. 

I rolled my eyes before looking down at the ingredients with a frown.

"But why are all these ingredients vegetables?" A horrible thought struck my mind, "Please tell me you aren't a vegan...?"

He looked at me through his lashes with a frown on his face.

"Not that there's anything wrong with vegans," I corrected myself. "It's just that I'm a meat person and I seriously cannot imagine myself with someone who hates meat!" 

My mother had once joke-prayed that my future husband would love meat as much as me otherwise we wouldn't last long with my appetite. Seems she jinxed it. 

"I'm not a vegan," River chuckled as he began chopping some carrots. "But vegetables play an important role in my diet."

I sighed in relief. 

Our conversation lead from one thing to another and we talked on and on until after dinner ended. 

"I didn't know you knew how to talk," I joked, as I poked River's side as we placed the dishes in the dishwasher. 

He laughed in response causing tingles to run through my body. 

"How long are you going to follow me?" he asked once we finished cleaning. "You have been following me everywhere since I left hospital. Aren't you tired?" 

"Not really. I have a pretty strong stamina," I sweetly smiled up at him. "As for how long I'm going to follow you, that depends on things I prefer not to say out loud."

I mean, I wasn't going to tell him I was waiting for a reply from him. I felt pretty pathetic with how persistent I was being but I wasn't good at being patient. And I desperately wanted to know how he felt about me. 

"Thing you prefer not to say," he repeated with his eyebrows raised high. "And if this thing you're waiting for doesn't happen, then what?" 

Then what... That was a good question that I hadn't really thought about. What exactly was I planning to do? I looked up into his eyes before sighing.

"Fine, I'll give it a few more hours before I leave."

'Please tell me how you feel in those few hours. Please.' I silently begged. I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be sleeping the whole night if he didn't. 

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