A Mother's Instinct

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This chapter has not been edited. 

Enjoy! :)


Emma looked upset. No matter how much she tried to deny it, it was clearly written in her eyes. 

"Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to keep guessing?" I asked as we ate our meals in the school's cafeteria. 

"It's really nothing," she said as she played around with the food on her plate.

"Ok, I'll drop this subject if you tell me who the guy who picked up your phone the other day was," I bargained.

"What guy?" 

"Emma," I whined, "are you really going to be like this?"

"Oh," she said, pretending to remember, "I lost my phone the other day and some guy picked it up for me. He returned it back the other afternoon so you must have called before I picked it up."

I looked at her with raised eyebrows, trying to make it obvious that I did not believe her story. 

"Anyways, enough about me. You're going on a date with your prince. You must be so excited!" Emma said, trying very hard to look happy for me. I was beginning to feel annoyed by her act. I decided to drop the topic for the time being anyway.

"He's not my prince anymore," I told her. "He's just a doctor who works at the hospital I volunteer at."

It hadn't occurred to me how long it had been since I had last talked to Emma. Before we used to see each other at least three times a day but now we were seeing each other not even once a week. She still wasn't in the loop of the whole talk I had witnessed in Doctor Nicholas's office the other day. And to be honest, I wasn't in the mood to explain it all to her either. 

"Wait, you're over him?" she looked beyond surprised.

"More or less," I replied. "Why is that so surprising?"

"Dude, you were obsessed with him. I'm so happy to hear you're over him. Now you can look out for a real partner that you'll be happy with."

"Wait, why do you think I wouldn't have been happy with Doctor Nicholas?" I curiously asked. 

"To be honest, you deserve better than him," she winked at me, "although he seems nice, I have seen him with different girls in short spans of  times on multiple occasions," she explained.


"Yep. Even my mother thinks he has playboy tendencies."

The talk he had with Linda suddenly popped in my mind.

"You're probably right. I overheard him talking with Linda about some girl and he said that he's just playing with her and that Linda didn't have to worry about her. He's such a jerk. Hope the poor girl doesn't think too seriously about him. He's the worst!" 

Emma had returned to staring at her food. She looked upset once again. 

"So, what are you going to do about the date then?" she asked me, before I could turn the topic back to her.

"Honestly, I'm just going to go along with it. His family wants him to date me because it will help him get favours from my father. I want to see how far he'll go," I explained. 

And that was how our topic ended. 

"Have you found a place to do your placement yet?" Emma asked after a short while of silence. 

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