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Above is Maddie (Jessies wolf)

*Jessies POV*

Killed. Jack will be killed because of Malakis orders.

I cannot believe him.

I go to his office to talk to him when Ella comes running out, crying. Oh no. She already tried.

I run in, shocking Malaki. He looks very annoyed and has a red mark on his cheek.

"What Jessie? Can't you see I'm busy?!" He says.

"Ya, killing my brother!!!" I yell at him.

"You just met him! Why are you so attached?!" He asks me. I cannot believe him.

"I've known him all my life! I just missed him! I'm finally able to see him again and you're killing him!? That's CRAP!!!" I scream.

"He showed disrespect. Major disrespect"

"Ya, what would you do if I said that your little sister or a friend or somebody had a mate, and planned on rejecting her, crushing her and then you were told you couldn't be alpha anymore? How disrespectful would you be?! Huh? Huh?"

I see him thinking. Maybe my point has come across. Then he looks up at me with anger in his eyes.

"I-" he starts to speak but I cut him off.

"He was the only man I could ever count on. I could never count on Danny, my own Father, my MATE for crying out loud but I can count on Jack. He will always be there for me. You could at least say 'hey. I'm rejecting Jessie, might as well let her have somebody to be with and support her' but NO! YOU LEAVE ME WITH NOBODY" I scream at him.

"You have Ella..." he trails off, looking down. Yes! Maybe I win.

Then he pushes me against the wall and shuts the door. Then he starts kissing me. His kisses are passionate and full of hunger. I quickly push him off of me and I slap him.

"Are you kidding me! I'm worried about my brother and you, the mate who plans on rejecting me, starts to kiss me! Man you are sick. Absolutely sick" I say and then I open the door and walk out.

*Malakis POV*

Man I'm stupid. She was so angry and full of fire and I couldn't help myself. I knew she would push me off.

But in her argument she did have a point. If I was in Jacks position and the same thing was happening I would be pretty upset. And disrespectful.

I cannot kill him. I just can't.

I start to walk downstairs when I see his parents. They are talking. Laughing.

"Good ridence, eh?" His Dad says.

"Ya. We reject one child, and another gets executed! This is perfect!" The Mom says. I growl. How dare they. They don't want their children. They are happy Jack is going to die. Another reason I will let him live.


Once I get downstairs I go immediately to Jacks cell. I'm about to walk in when I hear voices.

"Hey Ella, Jessie, don't cry. I want you to continue living your lives as if nothing ever happened okay? I want you both to be happy. Ella, find you mate and start a family like you always wanted. Jessie, take care of Ella for me please? And go see the world! You have been locked up for 12 years, I think you need to see the Eiffel Tower, the Lady of Liberty, Time scare, the Great Barrier Reef, And much more. You deserve it Jessie" Jack says to the girls.

"Okay, but Jack I will always remember you. I love you so much" Ella is crying very hard.

"I love you too Ella"

Then a guard comes and escortes Ella out of the room and tells Jessie she has only a couple minutes left with Jack.

"Jack, you are my only rock, my support. How can I live on? How can I manage?" Jessie chocks out.

"Because you know that I love you very much"

"I love you too Jack!" Jessie is crying so hard.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I hope you forgive me for not finding you" Jack says with tears in his eyes

"Jack, you did nothing wrong. I have nothing to forgive. I love you"

"Time to go. Say goodbye" a guard says

"Goodbye Jessie. I love you" Jack calls out as the guards drag Jessie away

"I love you to Jack!" She calls out "let me go! I demand to be with my brother. Get your hands off of me!"

She is fighting with the guards.

"Ow! Stop! You're hurting me!!" She yells. Then she screams. "Ow! Stop it!"

"Hey! Let her go!" I tell the guard. Then Jessies eyes go wide. Then she gets hysterical.

"Let me go! Please! Let me do Danny! I'm not going back with you!!" Danny. It's Danny. I recognize the scent now. Then I hear Jack growl and I know he knows who Danny is.

"Pathetic little girl, I can't let you go I miss you" he smiles evilly.

Then he takes it a bottle, and sprays it on themselves.

"What is that?" Jessie asks, scared.

"A masking spray. For our scents" Danny answers. The. I realize that I cannot smell them. Wow. Great.

I take a step forwards and try to Hart Jessie but then he holds a knife to her throat.

"Take another step and she dies" he says. Jessie screams.

I don't know what to do. Crap.

I see behind movement behind Danny and Jessie.

Jack has broken out of his cell and has shifted into Kolby. Then Kolby jumps up and grabs Danny by the ear, pulling him down. He is caught by surprise and drops the knife and Jessie is thrown out of his reach. Then Jack quickly shifts and runs and grabs Jessie in a hug. I run and do the same. Jessie is crying. No, Jessie is hysterical.  She was so scared that Danny would get ahold of her. Apparently he was that bad to her. Poor Jessie.

"Jack," I say "I'm not going to execute. I'm sorry I ever planned to. Jessie makes a pretty good argument and I realize that executing you would have been wrong"

Jessie screams and starts jumping up and down and hugging Jack!

"I'll go make the announcement. Jack, find some clothes. I assume yours shredded when you shifted" I say.

"Yes" he says "I didn't think I had time to just take them off and shift. My little sister was in danger"

Jessie gives him another hug.

Jessie is safe and Jack is alive. I'm glad today ended this way. It was pretty rough, and Jessie went through so much and she only woke up today.

But I notice that Danny is gone. Shoot. He will come back for Jessie, we will just have to guard her more.

Crap. This is bad.


Thanks for reading!

Where did Danny go?

Is Jessie in more danger than she knows?

When will Malaki reject her?

Find it soon!

This is my first story to be honest. Thank you for reading and giving it a chance.

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