No Longer

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Nico Di Angelo 

You may be confused about what’s happening so let me explain:

When I left this living hell everyone had turned against me except for one person Greek camper and the rest of the Romans. That person was Nico. However he was always in the underworld and the Roman’s weren’t allowed to see me for 2 years because they were mad at the Greeks. So we made a deal, Jason would stay with the romans for 2 years and I would stay with the greeks, and then we would switch. Piper and Leo also went to the Romans with Jason. So I guess 3 Greeks didn’t hate me. We only got to see each other for a little bit, so once I arrived at planet chaos I assumed that Nico also hated me.

Now that I looked Nico closely I notice little things that I hadn’t noticed before. His eyes are now darker than before, they seemed colder and sadder than they were before I left. He is also skinnier and paler than he was before. Now he seemed older and more mature. 

This Nico is no longer the Nico that I considered my little brother.

The Nico that I thought needed protection from all the sons of Ares back at the hell whole I considered a home.

This Nico is no longer the Nico that used to help me prank innocent new campers at camp.

This Nico is no longer the only person that would stand with me and Annabitch in the darkest of all times.

This Nico is no longer innocent.

This Nico is no longer the happy Nico that came out of his shell after the second war.

This Nico is no longer the Nico that I used to love as a younger brother.

This Nico is no longer the old Nico.

This Nico is dark.

This Nico is Cold-hearted.

This Nico is Angry.

This Nico is sad.

This Nico is no longer the old Nico.

I have no idea what they did to him but I know it’s something bad. 

What did they do to my brother?, Bianca MMed all of us.

Just a little chapter to explain some things. Promise to update soon! O_o

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