"This Isn't Over"

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Percy’s P.O.V

“No! Percy stop!” I hear Luke’s voice scream from somewhere behind me.

But guess what?

I don’t stop.

My usually clear vision is now red. Red with rage. How dare they do something like this to my Zo-Zo. At this moment I don’t even care about making peace with this stupid. no good, camp. I don’t care about helping them. Nor do I care about putting the past behind me.

Right now there is only one thing I care about; one thing that is important. 

Making whoever did this pay.

What is going on you may be wondering.

Well, someone from this camp decided that it would be a jolly good idea to inject my girlfriend with a serum while we were all asleep. Coward. 

The mere thought of it makes me hold my sword tighter.

I continued to march through the camp, getting terrified looks wherever I went, and making my way to the Hades cabin. 

How did I know they were there?

I saw that was the only cabin that held a single person that had lights turned on.

Before I knew it I was standing outside my destination, the others from the army right behind me. Except it seems like they had a change of hearts because they also had their weapons out.

Reaching forward I grabbed the door handle and yanked the door open, not even bothering to knock first.

Inside, just like I had expected, was Annabeth and her little “gang”. Their faces holding looks of shock.

“Which one of you did it?” I demand after everyone was inside and Lee had close and locked the door.

“Did what?” Jason asks, wrapping a protective arm around Piper.

Calm down son of Jupiter we aren’t after her, Lee MMed us all.

I know he was just joking, trying to lighten the mood and calm me down. But, now is not the time for me to stay calm and have a nice warm cup of tea. Now is the time for me to find whoever did this to my beautiful Zoe and rip them to shreds while they beg for mercy.

“Save it; we all know one of you did it. So whoever did it speak so we make you pay.” Silena says. 

It’s at times like this that I remember how close the girls are. There are only three of them in the section A of the army, our sector, so they have to stick together. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that other people love Zoe as much as I do, except they obviously fell a different type of love.

“We can’t confess if we don’t know what we did.” Grover says.

There was something slightly off about his tone. Slightly, but noticeable to someone that has trained ears. He did it, A small voice inside my head says, Get him. Make him pay.

“So you were the one that did it.” Bianca says.

Out of the whole army Silena, Bianca, Zoe, and I are the ones that have the best ears. Overall Zo-Zo is the one that has the best pair of ears.


Just the thought of her nickname make me mad all over again. I was bout to start calming down.

“You can’t just go accusing people of this sort of thing.” Piper says.

“Stay out of this daughter of Beauty.” Luke demands harshly.

“Don’t talk to her like that.” Jason says in the same tone. He draws his weapon and steeps in front of Piper.

“Don’t tell us what to do.” I say, speaking up for the second time in this conversation, “And as for you.” I continue turning to Grover, “You better tell me what you did to my Zoe and how to bring her back. ‘Cause if you don’t then we will have a serious problem.

“So this is what the commotion is all about. That stupid daughter of Atlas.” Annabeth says, if her words didn’t anger me then her disgusted tone did. 

“Zoe isn’t stupid.” I say protectively, “You are. You are the one that couldn’t even lead a quest. You are the one that almost destroyed Olympus. Twice. So, don’t ever call her stupid.”

Hurt flashes in her grey eyes as I speak. I feel something turn on my stomach. It’s not love though. It never will be. Nor is it guilt; I don’t, and will never, regret what I just said. It’s pity. Pity that she cares about what I said when I will never care about what she has to say just like I will never care about her.

In one, swift, movement I turn to Grover before speaking,

“I will ask you this one time and one time only. How do I do it?” 

My voice shakes with anger as I say the last part.

As if I needed to be reminded that she is asleep.

“To wake up sleeping beauty you mean?” He asks me mockingly, “Why, the kiss of true love of course.”

And, just like that, my last nerve was broken. The thing that was keeping me sane disappeared, no longer anywhere to be seen.

I charge forward toward where Grover was standing and forcefully grab on of his full grown horns and some of his hair. I raise my sword over my head before bringing it down, slicing the horn that I was holding like it was made of butter.

A soft whimper escapes his mouth when I let go of him. He raises his hand and places it on his head, feeling around as if to make sure that the horn was really gone.

“I took one of them, I won’t hesitate to take the other.” I speak, braking the silence, while staring down at him. Being tall does have it’s advantages.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” He says after another moment of silence.

I raise my sword once more, I about to slice his other horn when a hand grabbed my wrist stopping me from doing anything.


“Come on. Lord Chaos MMed me saying that he want’s us in the cabin.” He tells me while glaring at Grover.

I look at the door and notice that the others are waiting outside while Lee holds the door wide open.

Luke steeps out of the cabin before I do. I take this as an opportunity and look over my shoulder, my eyes meeting Grover’s while I send him a glare, before speaking directly to him,

“This isn’t over.”

And just like that me and Lee exit the cabin.

You’re wrong Lee, I privately MM him.

What do you mean? He MMs me back.

We’re going to hit them where it hurts. We are after her.

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