Two Sides

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 Annabeth’s P.O.V


The name rolled of my tongue. I said it with disbelieve; it simply can’t be her.

Not just because she died. But because the person- the girl that is standing in front doesn’t sound like the girl that saved my life.

But then again people can change, a small voice in my head said.  


I can’t tell you how many time I have heard that word.

‘Things have changed since Percy left.’

‘Things have changed since Nathan came.’

‘Camp has changed since that day.’

But most importantly, the one that annoyed me the most. The only one that was a lie:

‘Annabeth you have changed. It changed you’

No I haven’t.

No matter how many times they say it they can’t make me believe it.


Because it didn’t.

It simply broke me.

You must be wondering what it is. 

Well, we don’t like to talk about it at camp but I’ll give you a simple explanation. 

So when Nathan first came to camp he took everyone by surprise. He made us believe he was the best of the best, simply unbeatable. Everyone believed him, even my siblings.

But now everyone knows him for what he really is. A coward, a fool that couldn’t beat a Hydra even if his life depended on it.

 At first I was a bit hesitant. But then I warmed up to him, a bit too much actually.

One day we were taking and he gave me a cup with something in it. 

The liquid looked like water, however if you looked at it closely you could see swirls of red in it. 

When I asked him what it was he said it was just water from his fathers’ underwater realm, and I was foolish enough to believe him. 

Liquid was a actually a potion.

A love potion to be more specific.

He had gotten it from the Aphrodite cabin. I don’t even want to know where they got it from.

It made Nathan look like the boy that I loved. Percy. The potion made me forget what was happening and gave me the urge to kiss him. So I did. 

But the boy obviously wasn’t Percy.

He was Nathan.


Not Percy.

But Nathan.

That day Percy ran away.

He never gave me the chance to explain myself.

And truthfully I don’t blame him.

I mean, I was one of the only people he had left.

His most friends abandoned him.

The friends he had left were at the Roman camp.

I found out Poseidon disowned him, so he didn’t even have his father.

His mother was killed by his bother.

And then, I turn into a weak minded fool and cheat on him.

The camp gave me a chance to explain myself, which I was grateful for. They all forgave me eventually. Which I was even more grateful for. 

But none of them are Percy.

I just want his forgiveness.

But I know I will never get it. I have come to terms with that. I don’t like it, but I have acceptit. 

Why have I accept it?

 Well, because the past is the past. The future is the future. And today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.

I have accept the fact that the one that I love is gone.

I don’t like it.

I have accept the fact that one day a son of Poseidon will turn up in this camp, and will hear stories of all the fantastic things Percy did. But he will never meet him. All because of me.

I have accept the fact that I will probably be lonely for the rest of my life.

I just wish Percy would see that there are two side to every story. Sometimes even more.

He knows his.

Now he only has to know mine.

No mater what he thinks there are always two sides.

I just wish he knew mine.

There are always two sides to every story, I think, But that doesn’t mean there always is a right one.

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