Broken Hearts

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Hazel’s P.O.V

“How do you know who I am?” Angel asks, “Give me a straight answer. No stalling, please.” She says, “Just tell me.” Her tone changed from demanding to desperate in a few seconds. I could tell she was just as confused as the rest.

“I’m a daughter of Pluto. I can feel the connection we have, you can too. Don’t bother denying. I know you do.” I say calmly.

“I do.” She answers her voice is calmer than before, but there still is a hint of confusion.

“So, do you accept the deal?” I ask eagerly.

Angel lets out a huge sigh before answering.

“If we tell you promise not to tell anyone else?” She asks.

“Yeah, of course.” I promise.

They remain quiet for a while. They were just sitting there, not moving or anything. It’s like they are having a conversation just with their minds.

Slowly Angel stands motioning for me to do the same. I do as I was told and she walks over to me, sticking her hand out.

“I’m Bianca Di Angelo.” She says pulling her hood down so her long black hair and coal eyes are exposed. “Daughter of Hades. And your sister.”

I stare at her before allowing a small smile to form on my lips. I shake her hand, speechless.

“Umm, Hi.” I stutter.

Everyone stands up from their seats and walk over so they are standing next to each other. We stand in a circle before Bianca releases my hand and takes a steep back so she’s standing next to a boy. He takes a steep forward, taking Bianca’s previous position. He sticks his hand out and I shake it.

“I’m Luke Castellano.” He says pulling his hood down just like Bianca did. “I’m a son of Hermes and Bianca’s boyfriend.” He says proudly.

He, too, takes a steep back.

The next person, the girl with the pretty voice, steeps forward and pulls her hood down. And just like I guessed, she’s beautiful 

“I’m Silena.” She states shaking my hand, I gasp quietly. 

“Your Piper’s sister.” I say. I know I meet the boy who was the host of the spirit of Kronos before her, but she’s one of the most talked about dead campers there is. “The one who died trying to kill the Drakon.” I say awestruck.

“Yeah.” She giggles.

“Wow.” Is all I manage to say.

She takes a steep back after releasing my.

“I’m-” The boy next to her tries to say after he steeps forward. He couldn’t continue because I interrupted him.

“No, please let me guess.” I joke, “Your Silena’s dead boyfriend, Beckendorf.” 

He pulls his hood down to reveal a boy wearing a confused expression.

“No way.” I whisper.

“How did you know?” He asks.

“I was kidding.” I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Well, I’m Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus.” He said, “And as you may know I’m Silena’s boyfriend.” He jokes proudly. 

He does the same thing as the others and steeps back.

The boy that was questioning me steeps forward and takes his hood off.

“I’m Lee.” He says, kissing my hand instead of shaking it. “Son of Apollo. And I’m single.” He says the last sentence with a flirty wink.

“I’m not.” I tell him amused. Laughter booms out of everyones mouth, including Lee’s. After they finish laughing they all have smiles on their faces.

“I’m Pollux, son of Dionysus.” He says shaking my hand quickly before steeping back.

Well his introduction was short, I though, He must be either shy or annoyed that I’m here.

“I’m Zoe.” The next girl states after steeping forward and shaking my hand. I stand there, my mouth hanging and stop shaking her hand.

She’s the Zoe, I think, WOW.

“Daughter of Atlas. And Ex- hunter of Artemis.” The beautiful girl says. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“You too.” I whisper. 

Zoe smiles kindly at me before going back to her spot and nudging the last boy. He looks at her and she places a kiss on his cheek before slightly pushing him forward. He takes a deep breath before pulling his hood down, revealing the one and only Percy Jackson.

“I’m Percy, Percy Jackson.” He says. I just stare at him with watery eyes blinking uncontrollably so I don’t start crying. You can’t call me weak because it’s the least I can do to stop the waterworks. “Ex- son of Poseidon, Adopted son of Chaos. And Zoe’s boyfriend.” He finishes before opening his arm and hugging me immediately I hug him back, allowing a few tears to leave my eyes. We separate a few minutes later.

“Dude Artemis going to kill you when she finds you are dating one of her hunters.” I say receiving another round of laughter from the so-called- soldiers.

Ex-hunter.” Percy corrects after everyone stops laughing.

“She’s gonna shoot arrow after arrow after arrow.” I say flinching at the image before laughing a bit.

“Very funny.” He says sarcastically.

“Artemis wouldn’t do that.” Zoe piped up with a smile on her face, “She would probably just turn him into some sort of animal. Probably a toad.” She could barely finish her sentence before she starts laughing.

“So how did you know that we were here before?” Bianca asks.

“Easy, the border didn’t stop you guys from entering.” I say.

“This is all your fault Percy, you should have thought of that.” Zoe teased Percy.

I looked over at Percy and saw that he had a huge smile on his as he looked at his girlfriend in a loving manner. He looked like he truly loved her. But that is what I’m afraid of. The look in his eyes is much too familiar. And as the rest of the soldiers joined in on the laughter there was only one thought that was running through my mind. And although I was laughing a genuine laugh I could almost hear it. 

I could almost hear a loud CRACK. I know it was my imagination, but I don’t know why I was hearing. I do know know, however, that there were only two options for this unanswered question. It could either be my daughter of Pluto skills telling me that hope will die for someone. Or it could be my heart telling me this was going to happen.

I may not know what part of me was telling me, but I do know that only one thing could make that sound.

Annabeth’s heart when it breaks.

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