Fatal Accusations

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Annabeth’s P.O.V

“I swear she said that.” I tell the others.

We were sitting in Jason’s cabin, since Thaila is off with the hunters most of the time and he is the only one that stays here we decided that it would be fitting that we called this his cabin instead of cabin one of Zeus’ cabin. I had just finished telling them about what Gaea said to me in my dream. And by the looks on their faces they didn’t believe me one bit. I was starting to get frustrated; I had to wait until breakfast was over so I could tell them this and they think I’m just messing with them. They should know that this is not something to be messed with.

“I don’t know Annabeth.” Grover said after a moment of silence, “She could be lying.” 

“Yeah, but if she was going to lie to someone why not lie to Percy and the rest of the army of Chaos? Why lie to me? They have so much hatred, and that would make it easier for them to believe Gaea.” I say defensively, I have to admit it hurt to say that Percy hated us. However it is the truth and I have to come to terms with it.

“Maybe.” Reyna says, “But they are also smart. So it would be easier for them to detect a lie. And the only reason that they are here is because Lord Chaos is making them help us. So they couldn’t care less if there was a spy in camp, for all we know they could be the spies.” She tells us.

Silence forms around us once again as we all take what she said in consideration. They could be the spies. We shouldn’t have trusted them that easily.

“You’re right, Reyna.” I say, “But if one of them is the spy then I bet it is Zoe. (A/N DivergentDauntless4 was the one that gave me the idea to write this. So the drama that is coming up is partially her fault/creation. Thanks by the way. Back to the story now.)” 

“Could be.” Hazel tells us all, “Or maybe it’s just your jealousy talking.”
What does she mean my ‘jealousy’ talking. I have nothing against Zoe apart from the fact that she stole Percy from me. Oh that if it wasn’t for her Percy would most likely hear me out about me ‘cheating’ on him, A small voice inside my head says. And let’s not mention that if it wasn’t for her Percy would probably have come back here a long time ago. And-

“Annabeth?” Piper asks quite loudly, breaking my train of thought. “You okay there. You zoned out for a bit.”
“Yeah.” I say, as soon as the word leaves my mouth I mentally scowl myself for making it sound so absent-minded. “I’m fine, just thinking about something.”
“Anyway. Do you really think that Zoe could be the spy?” Frank asks me slowly, he was treating me as if I was a child and wouldn’t understand if he spoke any quicker.

“Definitely, that girl has had trouble written all over her since she first came here.” I tell them confidently.

“You are so selfish! How dare you say something like that bout the person who gave their life just to save yours.” Hazel screams. Her outburst takes us all by surprise; she’s always been the most level headed one among all of us.

“Hazel-” I try to say, but get cut off by the furious daughter of Pluto.

“NO!” She screams out before storming out of the cabin.

Percy’s P.O.V

“Hazel?” I ask looking at the young girl that had become my little sister when I was back here.

The sight of her broke my heart. She has tears streaming down her face and her hands were shaking.

“Come in.” I say opening the door wider as a sign for her to come in. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Frank watching me from Cabin 1.

“What’s wrong?” Zoe asks, standing up from her seat that was located on my bed. She had a look of genuine concern on her face.

“Annabeth.” She tells us simply.

The look on our faces must have given away the fact that we had no idea about what she was talking about because she proceeded to tell us the story about how Annabeth had a dream that involved Gaea, then she called Zoe a spy, etc. While she was telling us the story she had taken a seat in my bunk between me and Zoe. As she told us the story I occasionally pecked a look at Zoe, who either had a blank or angry face the whole time.

“And then I came here.” Hazel finished.

“She. Did. Not. Call. Me. A. Spy.” Zoe says through her clenched teeth. Her voice shook with anger as she spoke.

“I’m sorry.” Hazel says. The look on Zoe’s face softens when she looked at Hazel.

“It’s not your fault. But she took it too far this time.” Zoe says, standing up once again and picking up her dagger.

“Zoe what are you doing.” Bianca, Silena, and I asked at the same.

“You know,” She says once she reached the door, “I never did get to finish my part of the plan.” 

And with that she left the room, banging the door behind her.

SO, should I post the other story or not? Please tell me! No one did last chapter. O_o 

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