If Only They Knew

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I look at my army and notice that they are all bitting their lips so they don’t laugh at my comment.

Suddenly Zoe moves closer to me and wraps my army around her shoulder. I look at her with a questioning look but she just keeps looking forward. I follow her eyesight and see a group of people standing in front of the gods talking to them. 

The gods look back at us and motion us forwards.

All of us carefully step forwards until we can have a good look at the faces of the people in front of us.

They are the cabin leaders. All of them look exactly the same as they did 5 years ago.

“These are our cabin leaders. They are also immortal, so they are now permanently holding their positions.” Zeus explains adding the last part when he saw all of our confused faces, “They aren’t immortal when in battle, so they can only use the powers that they have had since when they were born.” He continues.

I take a step forward ready to introduce myself.

“I’m Omega son of Chaos and second most powerful being in the world, Chaos being the first.” I say, “These are my friends and soldier: Star, Hero, Angel, Sugar, Arrow, Beauty, and Forge.” I continue pointing at each of them as I say their names.

I looked at their faces and noticed how confused they were.

“They are just code names.” I explain.

Why doesn’t anyone understand that no one could have these names?, Luke MMed.

Because everyone one here is stupid except for a few special people, Zoe explained.

Come on Zo-Zo give them a break they may be stupid but they don’t need you reminding them, I say using the nickname I had created for Zoe when we first started dating.

Fine, she said and we went back to listening to what the others were saying.

“So when will we know your real names?” Piper asks kindly, I could tell there wasn’t any charm speak in her voice which is a good way to make a good first impression.

Remember that Piper, Leo and Jason didn’t do anything bad, I MMed Zoe privately when I saw the look on her face.

Zoe’s face softened and I could tell my words calmed her down.

“On our third night here.” Zoe said kindly.

“Thanks,” Piper said, “I’m Piper Mclean by the way, daughter of Aphrodite the goddess of love and charm speaker.” Piper said.

“Nice to meet you Piper.” Zoe said.

“Daughter of Aphrodite?” Silena asks. She looked kind of proud if you ask me.

“Born and trained.” Piper replies.

“Good, I’m not the only brave one.” Silena whispers, nobody except me heard her and I could tell I wasn’t meant to hear her.

“So welcome to camp,” Annabeth said speaking up for the first time, “We don’t have a Chaos cabin but you are welcome to stay in any of the other cabins.” She explains.

Ugh, I can’t believe I’m back here.

“Tanks but we can have Forge and Arrow build a cabin for us,” Zoe snaps. I looked over at  her and notice that she had a blue stoned hair clip in her, not just any hair clip though it was her sword.

I removed my arm from her should and interlocked our hands.

“Okay.” Annabeth says oblivious to the fact that if she said another word and she would be dead.

“So,” I said trying to break the tension, “Can you and Arrow build us a cabin please, Forge?” I asked Forge.

“Sure.” He said, “Where can we build it?” Forge asks turning to look at Annabeth.

“Next to Zeus’ cabin if that’s okay with you guys.” Leo informed the other son of Hephaestus.

“Thanks.” He replied, obviously he ad taken notice that Leo was a son of the god of blacksmithing.

The cabin leaders lead us through camp while the rest of the campers watched us from te windows of their cabins.

They looked at us like we were outsiders.

If only they knew.

If only they knew all of us had risked our lives trying to save this camp, and all except one lost their for the same reason.

If only they knew we were their siblings.

If only they knew about the  quests.

If only they knew about our parents.

If only they knew about our camp necklace.

If only they knew about the decorated beads that we all kept in the same box.

If only they knew about the wars we fought together.

If only they knew we all got our weapons from the same room.

If only they knew we trained in the same arena.

If only they knew about our past.

if only they knew about we were once one of them.

If only... 

If only...

If only they knew they broke every single one of us.

They look at us like we are outsider, Zoe privately MMed me.

If only they knew, I MMed her back.

I squeezed her hand inquiringly and she gave me a smile.

If only they knew, She echoes.

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