The Bracelet

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No One:
Emily and the other came after they ate there lunch and saw Mia who was still sitting on the bed looking for something Emily ask her what was she looking for and Mia told her that she was looking for her bracelet the one with a white strap and an gold anchor in the middle. The others told her to stay still while they looked for it. Mike then asked "Hey where's Jayden?" Mia answered and told him that he went to get her lunch sense she didn't eat in the morning. "Here it is!"yelled Antonio it was under the bed said Kevin. Emily put it on and said " that looks cute where did you get it?" Mia told Emily that someone gave it to her but she couldn't remember who. Mia had finished her sentence when Jayden came in and saw the others were there and asked them to move the bowl with water and the towels that were used to clean Mia's cuts so that he could put the food.

I saw the others in the room and asked them the move the stuff used to clean Mia's cuts I sat next to her and that's when Emily asked " hey Mia what were you dreaming about in the morning because you said it was a nightmare but you seem to have one every night" Mia answered saying that she couldn't remember but I could tell she didn't want to say or talk about it that's when Ji came in and told us to leave for a moment so that he could talk to Mia alone.

Mia when are you going to tell them about your dream and about that bracelet. You know to should not take it off when you sleep and yet you do and those dreams you have they affect your performance on the team. You have to tell a least one of them or at least Jayden " I know Ji but I also know that I won't take it off from now on. Look I'll tell Jayden but I'm sure that I'm fine I just need to eat and i'll be back on my feet in no time trust me" said Mia. Fine if you say so
I walked out of the room and that's when the gap sensor went off Mogger Attack by the Mall go!

No one:
They all yelled Go Go Samurai except Mia who was told to rest and finish her food.
When they arrived they saw Moggers but no Niylok they took them out but the moggers seemed stronger then they would normally.

I finished my food and started to clean my dish when I started to feel weak as if I was tried all in a sudden my head started to pound and I collapse on the floor
Mia's dream: ( not a nightmare )
I was in a Field of flowers but there I saw my mother or something like a shadow with color that looked like her telling me that there's a bigger threat coming and that I should be on Guard that's when I started to here my name from a distance and I started to realize it was a dream( dream ends here)
I woke up to see Jayden holding me taking me to the infirmary the others were following he put me down and I open my eyes the others were around me asking if I was okay I told them yes but Ji told them to leave and to start training and to give me room but told Jayden to stay

We walked in side the house after the fight with the moggers we wanted some water so I decided to go and get water for all of us and that's when I saw Mia laying on the ground I ran to her and picked her up and yelled for the others to come and to till Ji about Mia and to get some water for her.

No one :
Mia was lying on the bed looking down at the floor like she had done something bad or she felt bad Ji left the room as a cue to tell Mia that it was time for her to tell Jayden. Mia started to tell Jayden about the nightmares and How when she collapsed what her " mother" told her Jayden then held her hand and ask her why she didn't say anything thing Mia said that she thought it was not that important and told him that the bracelet she had on. Hold special symbol power from the ancient power rangers and that it also warned her about danger either in a dream , signs, or in hallucinations and that the bracelet also controlled her dreams, and that it had magical properties. Mia thought that Jayden was going to be mad because Mia kept this from him but instead he just hugged her and she hugged him back but then told Jayden that there was a lot to learn about the bracelet and that she needed his help for that, but he had to keep it a secret from the others but all in a sudden Mia thought she Felt her cheeks get hot because she noticed that Jayden was still holding her hand.

 Mia thought that Jayden was going to be mad because Mia kept this from him but instead he just hugged her and she hugged him back but then told Jayden that there was a lot to learn about the bracelet and that she needed his help for that, but he ...

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This is what Mia's dream looked like when I said a filed of flowers hope you enjoy I'm trying to keep the Mia and Jayden love settle but if you want me to move it up a bit then leave it in the comments. 💖❤️

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