Chapter 4

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Today is the wedding day and Johnson is dressed in a white t-shirt and white suit and white trousers. His hair is curled back and he is prepared but very tensed and scared.
How I wish Tania was here with me but she chose to betray me. Who does that to her own brother? Time to forget that and focus on my wedding and the great future ahead of Sagar and I, Johnson says.
"My dear Johnson" Miriam enters Johnson's room and Johnson turns back and hugs his mom.
"you look so beautiful my baby boy." She smiles as she touches his face gently.
"mom? You are gonna make me cry."
"I'm sorry dear. But actually i came here for something else." She turns back and notices the door is open and she closes the door.
"whats wrong?" Johnson takes a sit on the bed and Miriams sits as well.
"Its about what Tania said..."
Johnson stands up from his bed
"mom please dont start right now. She's obviously lying and she doesnt want Sagar and i to be together."
"but have you ever thought what if what Tania said is true."
Johnson sighs and sits back next to his mother.
"Tania is wrong and i know Sagar loves me and so do i."
"okay my dear anything for you. Remember Johnson your mom is here for you at all times so dont hesitiate to call me."
"okay mom. I love you."
Miriam hugs her son and leaves the room. Johnson clears the tears trying to leak out from his eyes and faces the mirror.
You didnt make a bad decision Johnson.

Everybody is seated in the church all dressed gracefully waiting for the two grooms to arrive.
The car first drops and Sagar with his brother, Bharat steps out from the car and walks into the church snd stands near the altar. After a moment, Johnson appears and the congregation stands up and he walks slowly to his soon to be groom. He reaches and stands in front of Sagar.
"you look beautiful" Sagar whispers to Johnson.
"Thanks" Johnson says as he looks at himself and raises his head again.
After some minutes, the reverend Father walks up the altar and the two grooms exchange their vows.
"you may now kiss the groom." The reverend father says. Sagar boldly takes a step in front of Johnson and Johnson startles a little bit. Sagar puts his hand on John's waist and bends down and kisses him on the lips and John feels goosebumps run down him and he gladly kisses back. Everyone cheers for them.
The reception follows immediately and everyone were in the garden decorated quite beautifully with the colors of red and white. People were everywhere eating, drinking and discussing. Johnson was in his room seated, admiring his wedding ring and he smiles gently remembering the kiss also. Finally the day had finally come but he also had the leave his family and he becomes sad.
"that look on your face doesnt suit you at all"
Johnson looks at the door and sees Sagar standing with the door shut behind him smiling at him. Sagar walks to him and bends down and holds his hand.
"whats wrong?"
"no. Tell me the truth."
Johnson inhales deeply and exhales.
"i'm gonna miss my family when im gone." Johnson looks around his room and tears fall out of his eyes. Sagar wipes out the tears with his thump and he hugs him and pats his back gently.
"shh... its okay. I will be there and my family will also be there to look after you. You dont have anything to worry."
"of course John. My family and i will be there to stay with you so dont worry about anything"
Johnson sees that Sagar is still bending down.
"doesnt your knees hurt?"
"oh. I forgot about the pain since i'm here with you." Sagar stands up and stretches his hand for Johnson to hold and Johnson takes it and they leave the room.
After the reception, all the guests had left. Only the family of Johnson and Sagar were left. Johnson was crying as he hugged his family goodbye for he was leaving to stay with his husband. He was still hugging his mom. Both his mom and him were crying.
"Miriam dont you think thats enough hugging. He isnt leaving for ever. He can still be visiting frequently."

Ahh, middle class people. Always behaving like the low class. Hmph. Durga says.
Johnson releases the hug from his mother and he moves to Tania and Tania was about to hug and he turns around to go with Sagar and Tania was about to say something and she hooks and looks at Sagar and he smirks and Tania turns around and runs to her room and Miriam looks at her sadly.
Johnson, Sagar and his family enter their cars and leaves the house.
"did you see how Johnson and Miriam were crying like little children?" Durga says laughing.
"Durga, obviously you cant empathise with them. Think of the relationship they had before Johnson comes to leave with us. Seriously, i kinda felt bad for Johnson."
"ahhh, whatever."

They arrive at the Singh family house and they all step out of their cars. They begin walking into the house and Johnson just stands at the front of the house looking at it.
My life turns a new leaf here. God help me.

Sorry for the long hiatus. Actually i had some family issues thats why i took so long. But i hope you like my new chapter. I will be starting another book very soon.

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