Chapter 12

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Johnson drops dinner on the table. Spaghetti with side dishes on the table . Everyone takes their seat but Durga is reluctant to eat.
"Everyone know that after eating this food and I don't wake up the next day know Johnson is the killer." Durga scoops the food into her plate and begins eating. Everyone dives in as well.
Sagar walks into the house and sees Johnson sitting down eating dinner and he smiles.
"Honey, I'm home." Sagar speaks loudly. Johnson looks at Sagar and turns back to his food and continues eating.
"Aw, is this how you treat your husband?" Sagar says and walks behind Johnson chair and back hugs him. Johnson stands up and moves from Sagar.
"You threatened my dad's company so that I could come back. You're a sick man. We both know what really happened on our honey moon but you decide to put the blame on me."
Johnson looks at his food to eat but his appetite is gone and he goes upstairs.
"Sagar, did what Johnson say true? You threatened his dad's company?" Garg asks.
"Any one who thinks they can defile Sagar never goes free." Sagar goes upstairs.
Johnson lies down and cover himself with a bed sheet. The door bangs close and he turns and sees Sagar in the room. Johnson takes the bed sheet and pillow about to leave the room but Sagar holds his wrist.
"Let me go." Johnson tries to walk on but Sagar still holds him. Johnson tries to get out of his grasp but Sagar holds him tighter and throws him on the bed. Johnson tries to get up quickly but Sagar is already on top of him.
"What are you doing? Get off me." Johnson struggles but Sagar's weight is too much on him.
"We havent done it yet. Today is a good time you know."
"You sick bastard." Johnson struggles more but Sagar holds him to the bed. 
Sagar hands move to Johnson's trousers trying to open it. But Johnson's hands hits Sagar's face brutally as he also screams. Johnson then hits Sagar's left eyes and Sagar falls to the bed groaning in pain. immediately Johnson stands up and runs from the room. On his way, he sees everyone on their way to the room but he runs pass them.
Bharat enters the bed room and sees Sagar covering his eye groaning in pain. Bharat looks more closely and sees Sagar belt is loose and his buttons opened. Bharat shakes his head and leaves the room going after Johnson.
  The rest of the family enters the room checking how Sagar is. Bharat reaches the sitting room and looks around but doesnt see Johnson any where. Then he sees the door open and he follows the path and sees Johnson sitting on the ground crying.
Bharat sits next Johnson. Johnson looks at his side and sees Bharat.
"It's okay." Bharat begins patting his back. Johnson moves away from Bharat.
"You know when I heard I'm getting married especially to Sagar. I felt this joy in me." Johnson tears fall out more. "My sister told me but I was too blind to notice it. I'm alone to blame for my situation in this."
Bharat moves closer to Johnson.
"Look at me. Johnson look at me." Bharat says and Johnson shrugglingly looks at Bharat.
"As far as I'm here, I will protect you from Sagar. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything but from now on trust in me."
Johnson looks away and stands up.
"Why are you so concerned? You treat me like..." Johnson keeps quiet not knowing the word to use. Suddenly he feels arms around his waist and body against his.
"Because I like you." Bharat says.

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