Mario's Temperature Rises!

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Crystal's P.O.V

When we finally made it back to the castle, I noticed Mario still looked pale. It seems like as if he has gotten worst!

"Yikes! Mario you look like a ghost!" BraveHeart yelped.

Mario looked mad. "Haha! Thanks, but I'm fine, real-" Mario collapsed on the floor and vomited. DarkAngel gasped, Luigi covered his mouth, and I screamed. I felt my eyes burning with tears, the poor guy was so ill!

"Nu-uh! You are not  fine, my dear friend. We will take care of you!" I said. "Luigi, take him to his room." Luigi helped Mario up and took him up the stairs.

"Poor guy...why does he need to be sick? It should've been me!" I said, trying to hold back tears.

"Crystal, don't cry, everything is gonna be okay." DarkAngel calmly assured me. "Listen, it's just the flu, everybody gets it."


"I know..." DarkAngel said. "...But this is Mario! He's strong. He's been through worse. He will definitely get past this!"

"You're right..." I replied, wiping my tears.

"Now...will you help me make Mario feel better?" DarkAngel asked, softly. I nodded and followed DarkAngel upstairs.

When we entered Mario's room, I wanted to faint! Mario was coughing up blood and he was and the point of passing out!

"Oh no! Come on Mario, don't fall asleep!" Luigi said, shaking his brother like mad man. "If you fall might die!" I went over to Luigi and placed my hand on his shoulder, poor guy was shaking.

"Luigi! Stop shaking him...that won't help him...what's wrong?" I asked, calmly.

"I don't know! I got him in bed, he vomited again, coughed up blood, and then he fell asleep! All I know is that he seems to be getting worse as the time goes by!" Luigi said, crying. I looked down at Mario. He started mumbling random stuff in his sleep as blood started pouring out of his mouth.

"Oh my gosh that's bad!" BraveHeart screeched. BraveHeart started having a panic attack. DarkAngel slapped BraveHeart across his face. Dark!

"Sorry BraveHeart, but you need chill out." DarkAngel said calmly. I took my hand of Luigi's shoulder and put my stethoscope on Mario's chest. Mario's heart was beating fast! But he was asleep, since he was asleep, it probably meant that he was having a nightmare. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Luigi asked me.

"Mario's heart is beating fast. I think he might be having a nightmare, but then again, I'm not so sure." I said, stroking Mario's hair. "Oh Mario, please be okay..." Luigi placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Thank you guys for helping him out." Luigi said. "We both appreciate it!"

"You're welcome." I said. I looked at Mario. I got a napkin and wiped the blood off his mouth and I gave him my teddy bear. He wrapped his arms around it and smiled. I smiled back. Mario was just too cute! We all just sat there, silently, as we waited for Mario to wake up.

Mario's P.O.V

"Huh...where in the world am I?" I asked myself. I smelled medicine, which gave me a huge sign that I was back at the hospital! "Oh no! Why am I here again?!" I asked myself. I heard chuckling and I felt something grab me by the arm and dragged me down the hall. I couldn't tell who it was because my eyes were closed and all I heard was my own screaming.

"Well, well, well...look who wants another flu shot." I shivered as soon as I heard that voice. I knew who it was! I opened my eyes and my clone, Dr. Mario looked at me with a sick twisted smile. I was now chained up to the wall. "That's dangerous to have too many, you know. You could die from an overdose."

"Shut up! Why am I here, are you going to infect me again?" I asked in fear.

"No! You're dumb friends will just save you again! Now I'm going to kill you!" Dr. Mario said in frustration.

"AGH! Guy-" Dr. Mario put duck-tape over my mouth before I could shout for help, I could no longer speak! Dr. Mario used the knife to slash the right side of my face!

"Oh Mario..." Dr. Mario said, smiling at me. I looked at him. "You know you'll never be a success like I am, because all you care about are your stupid friends. I might be you, but I'm better in every way. " Dr. Mario said with amusement. Dr. Mario stuck the knife in my left eye. Then he jabbed my left arm with a push-pin. I started crying because the pain was too much!

"Guess what, Mario." Dr. Mario asked, removing the duck-tape .

"What...?" I asked.

"DIE!!!" Dr. Mario spat as he started up a chainsaw! Then I closed my eyes and cried, hoping that this would be quick and painless. I thought about my friends and my loved ones. I heard someone yelling my name. The last thing I saw was Dr. Mario standing over me...with a sledge hammer...

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