8. Darkness is along the horizon

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"We have a set of rules for a reason. They are there to guide us and protect us from whatever comes our way. Breaking these rules comes with an array of consequences. Don't screw up and risk everything in the process. Transcendents can't afford to risk extinction. Here's a rule: Don't harm anyone regardless of their alliance. Jim Rohn said, 'Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.' It is vital that Transcendents alike follow these arduous rules; because the outcomes aren't favorable. Death follows a Transcendent who breaks the rules."

- Transcendent Book of Life

I couldn't shake the feeling.

Something callous, nefarious, and devious.

Darkness is along the horizon waiting to attack.

The town of Willoughby doesn't just thrive on secrets anymore.

When Poppy transported her vision into mine; I could feel the darkness growing inside of her – eating anything remotely innocent. Sometimes I wish I was still the girl hating Eddie while grieving for her brother – because at least I'd be alive and not waging a war on oblivion itself. No one can truly foresee the future, because not all factors have been added in – but we will always be intertwined in war and darkness; because utopias don't exist. Light and darkness are Yin and Yang – two forces that will always balance the playing field.

This is not how I expected the summer prior to my senior year at Willoughby to go: pregnant, living in fear, trapped in a supernatural world; and waging a war on Delphians. Sounds nice when I put it in a basket and wrap it up with a nice, red bow. "Emma?"


"We will beat this."

"I hope so. Eddie, there is so much writing on this."

"You're not going to lose us."

"You're responsible for my death. I will die in your arms, because you kill me. How can I not freak out about losing everything? If I die – I die. There's no returning from that. Matty died because he broke the rules; and we're on the verge to follow the same path he ended up on. That was my vision. Our son had already died and I was on the run from you and Isaac. I was begging for you to kill me; and you tried to fight it until the final blow. There's this quote by Dylan Thomas that I believe is quite beautiful and it resonates with everything going on; and it read 'do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light.' Some things can't be prevented." I gasped as my breathing got louder and louder; until it silenced everything around me. Looking for an escape, I sit down on the porch and stare at the ground; growing distant as each moment draws on.

Returning to reality, I look at him while his mouth hung open and his eyes wider than ever before. A startling confession that shook him to the core. "Are you sure it was me?" For a second, I think back to the doctor's office and Poppy and the vision; and remember seeing a dark-haired, crystal-eyed Eddie slitting my throat open; as I suffocated from my own blood. "Yes."

"I-I...I...don't know...what...to...say." Mumbled a sadden Eddie.

"We keep messing with the balance of things."

"You're not saying what I think you are? That's mad. Suicide almost."

"If I am meant to die...there's nothing neither of us can do about it. A fate written in the stars. If I don't die...I will have to lose everyone and live alone for the rest of my life. A fate worse than death." I say before walking over to him and placing my hand in his. "Listen, if we make it to term with this pregnancy...save Sebastian. Do you understand me? I want you to promise me that if I make it to November and something goes wrong; and a choice has to be made – you save our son. Don't try to save me; because I'll hate you forever. We're going to die one day; and one day might be a lot sooner than we thought. Do you understand what I am asking of you?"

Hot tears began to swell in our eyes when we both understood what I was asking; and in that single moment the floor caved in beneath him; and he dropped to his knees. Before long, tears rained down our cheeks while we crinkled our noses as the sobs began to echo. "I can't."

Wiping my tears away, I sob "You have to. If it comes down to that...save him."

"There's not a life I want to live without you, Em."

"I'm not asking as your girlfriend. I am ordering you as your leader to follow through with my request. If you love me...you will do this. Eddie, darkness is lurking all around us and someone will die." I sob before being electrocuted from the inside out. "Emmy, what's happening?" questions Nikki who had documents in her hand as she watched as both Eddie and I laid there in the grass staring up at the golden orb. How long was she standing there? "Someone say something. Are you okay?" asks Nikki before a blue bolt of electricity shot out of me towards the sky. A vision was on its way.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

A group of people dressed in black lined the woods. There's a blinding light towards the center of it; where flashlights monitored any potential movements. A slight crisp breeze danced along the trees before circling around me. The moon hung low amongst the stars. One person from the line up steps out and takes off his mask and reveals himself to me.

The leader.

Dropping to my knees, I zone in on him and fight the tears back. It can't be. This is not happening. Him of all people? He's my undoing? Someone must have an atrocious yet comical bone to use against me. How is this even possible? What did I do to deserve this? A prophecy that everyone was terrified of coming true – stood in front of me with his sly grin painted on his face like the Joker. I'm going to lose this battle.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Jolting up out of Eddie's arms, I let out a sonic scream that was earsplitting as everyone quickly covered their ears; until I knelt on the ground in defeat. No one will know what I saw. My whole life changed and I will not surrender and run back to being the clueless little girl I once was. This vision will die with me; even though it's when the darkness decides to shake the cloaks off. Nikki inches closer to me as she kneels beside me and whispers in my ear, "Are you okay?"


"Should we inform mother that you have her gift as well?"


"Should we be afraid?"

"Yes. Be very, very afraid."

Eddie tries to form words, but still hasn't recovered from what I told him. Our lives are a complete mess and it's all due to that bloody prophecy. "Find those books. Destroy them. We will live by a different code. One that doesn't punish us for mistakes with a sentencing of a shocking death. Destroy everything."

"Em? Those books have answers."

"It will tell you of the dark prophecy. The nightmare Matty and I had when we were younger. Destroy it."

"What dark prophecy?"

Breathing for the first time, I glance over at him and say, "Two people that share the same heart will come to a crossroad. Good vs. Dark. Siblings. A battle to the death. No one comes out alive. No lives will be spared. Two halves of a heart will die and the town will be left in ruins."

"Maybe it means twins?"

"No. It doesn't. Just find the books and burn them." I say as I push my knees off the ground; brush the dirt off of my butt and head inside. Turning around, I add "Darkness is along the horizon. Beware. In the shadows lurk the devil himself. Be a light and destroy; because something wicked this way comes."

They just stare at me as I walk inside and shut the door; unsure of what to say.

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