20. Hello Again

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"Remember who your family is. Make note of who your friends are and who are not. Always trust your gut instinct. Michael J. Fox once said, 'Family is not an important thing. It's everything.' We believe that it is the only thing that keeps us grounded. MLKJ once spoke, 'In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.' People who stand by and watch the darkness take control are the worse people – and people will remember when you decided to be selfish. Don't be selfish. JFK said, 'Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.' Don't hold grudges, but remember who wronged you. There are some things that can and can't be forgiven. Transcend beautiful celestial being."

- Transcendent Book of Life

I looked for a way out. There was none. Poppy and I were surrounded by dark masses as we clung to each other. We gasped as the air escaped from our lungs; forcing us to the ground against our will. That's when I saw a slim exit; and I yanked Poppy through the mud and dark figures as we headed back into The Nest. "Wait, this is your plan?"

"You got a better one? I'm not ready to meet Mr. So-called Evil."

"We get Mikey and we get out. No one wants to be around when he lashes out."

Stopping for a smidge, I smile and grasp her hand tighter. "Deal."

"You make deals with the devil, often?"

"No. Only when I'm put into interesting predicaments." I laugh as we run up the broken brick path and enter what was supposed to be our solace – our safe haven – our hide out. Kristopher comes running to us with a crowd of people strolling behind him. "Emma? Poppy? Why were you running?"


"Yeah...and...then...we...and...he...did...and uh...he's..."'


Both Poppy and I nod our heads violently as we swat away the gnats that lounged around us. Sweat dripped down my back; making it uncomfortable to stand. "He's back."

Everyone's faces turned ghostly as they realize what I had just said. I never used the word here. The word I used was back – as in I knew who it was all along; and I played dumb because I wanted it to be someone else. That I knew the source of all evil prior to the big reveal. How do I spin the story now?

"Emma. When you say he's back – you mean that he once ruled this planet before his defeat and now he's return right? Not the whole you know him kind of ordeal, right? Say something." Ordered Kris as his eyes focused on me as if I was going to blink out of existence at any second. I had to choose my words wisely and carefully or my secret will be devoured by Delphians left and right. This could go one of two ways: I die or I don't die. Not a choice in-between. "Speak."


"Because I demanded you to explain your choice of words. That's why."

"Don't you know you're supposed to never start a sentence with 'because'?" I wittingly reply as I roll my lips and flicker my eyes. Poppy darts her pleading eyes at me to stop; but this was all too fun to stop now.

"What has gotten into you? Have you been brainwashed? Did he turn you?" eyed Kristopher as he inches closer to me; with two men right behind him. Dumb and dumber I perhaps? A smile emerged on my face before I snapped back to reality.

"No. No. No. Do not ridicule me for my choice of words." I say as I sharply point my finger at Kris before shoving him out of my way. I can't risk blowing my cover. I know. After all this time, I have known who he is and if I slip up ever so slightly – it'll be my funeral. A glaring look rolls over Kristopher's face as he tries to figure out what to say next. Beating him to the punch, I continue with, "He's coming now. Unless you have been brainwashed too – I'd advise you to assist Poppy and I in getting everyone to safety before continuing this petty argument. Do you want to die today Kris? If not – let's get moving." He exchanges a sharp look with the man with the ember eyes before reconnecting his eyes towards me.

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