12. We're all mad

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"Rule number five: Transcendents must respect their natural-born leader. Follow her through the madness of this world and that. Don't ever second guess her powers, her skills, and-or her leadership. In doing so, not only will you be punished by death – but Transcendents will start to die out. John Locke, a remarkable man, once said "The discipline of desire is the background of character." If you don't value their true character...whether you're strictly human (Yes. They still exist. Don't act shocked.) Or a supernatural being...then there is no reason to live. You'll become expendable. Remember Robin Williams? A wonderful and considerate man. Gone too soon. Would have been a good leader to a sub-group of Transcendents. Well he said, "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." Don't let people cloud your judgement. At the end of the day – you will either stand with or against her. There's no in-between. There's no second-chances (well in decision making that is). One side or the other. Your choice is yours to make – not anyone else's. Remember that even though we claim to be sane and perfectly able to adapt to change...that we are still Transcendents. A species that's not humanoids. We are ghost. Willoughby is our afterlife. A second chance to live the previous life and make better choices – yet the war was always shown to be happening during this life. We are all mad in this mad, mad world. Don't lose your morals."

- Transcendent Book of Life

"Where the hell were you? A nurse from Willoughby Hospital called and said you escaped. And Nikki? You of all people shouldn't be encouraging her to be reckless; especially with what happened. Ugh, how many times do you have to get hurt before you realize that you're not just hurting yourself?" shrieked Eddie as soon as we walked through the front door. Avoiding eye contact with him, because obviously he's right, I notice quite a few unfamiliar faces scattered throughout the room. Twenty more faces on top of the solid 11 we have. All I did was crack a smile over to Mikey who shared the smile and nodded. "Are you even listening to me? Stop smiling."

"Babe, shut up. I am fine. I came on my own accord. You found more people?"

"Uh, with Diana, Lucy and Mikey's help ..."


Mikey steps up and clears his throat. "Over there we have Monroe, Jasper and Eliza, Hannah, Ash, and of course Sophie. Then we have Clementine, Hudson, Ivy, and Lulu. In the common room, we have Roman and Sadie... 'A couple' and then Zane & Nico. Jezebel, Cruz, Vincent, and Alana are right there; and behind you are the other power-house couple, Stavros and Zoe."

Immediately I wanted to know everything. How? When? Why? Where? What their powers were? I'm not going to lose any more people. Then my snake-headed father slithers his way into the room and says, "Heard there was a meeting. I brought your mother with me."

"I'm surprise she hasn't bashed your head in yet."

"Some things are more important than killing the person responsible for your brother's death. Oh, was that supposed to be a secret? Oops...my bad." Cunningly states my mother as she pushes past my father; causing him to stumble. Am I supposed to contain my laughter or enjoy this moment to the fullest? A taste of his own medicine.

"Order in the house." I thunder as everyone sits down in the available seats we had. "There is a war among us. Not a small one either. I don't know what you all know, but here's what I know. There is a dark prophecy. We'll get into that later, all you need to know is that it exist to instill fear in us. That prophecy is happening whether we want it to or not. Creatures of the night are a high-level threat to us. You may know them as: werewolves, vampires, banshees, and ghouls. The Delphians are another issue – rogue transcendents that lurk in the dark. Curs are supposed to be our allies, but we can't be too safe. I lost my child the other night due to a fox in sheep's clothing; and I will get vengeance if it is the last thing I do. Stand with me and fight to live another day as the war against reality is on our front lawn. Poppy Chambers and her group of minions need to be taken down a notch or two – and I cannot do this without your help. Let's not wait around for more people to vanish from Willoughby. Don't waste time as more and more people turn up dead. Listen, I'm not going to sugarcoat this...it'll get messy and it definitely won't be easy. We could very well die along the way; or suffer in more ways than one. We're definitely not in Kansas anymore; because the world we live in now – has always been lurking in the shadows. We were either too naïve or unmoved to notice – but it has always been there...watching us. Not creepy at all. So, we go in with our heads held tall and we band together until death do us part. Who's with me?"

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