19. When darkness arrives

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"Transcendents are a work of art as they persevere through the chaos. They will beat their demons, but mustn't overlook their inner demons. Nikita Gill, a Transcendent before her time, once said this in her poem The Way Damaged People love: 'and damaged people understand that every evil demon that exists down there was once a kind angel before it fell.' Emma will remained untouched as enemies become allies and allies become stranger. From the mouth of Nikita Gill, 'She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell.' Don't lose faith in your leader – she's doing the best that she can. Follow her. Support her. Be one with her."

- Transcendent Book of Life

We traveled day and night until we came to a little hut tucked away in the mountain; where the Curs stayed. You would never know that there was small village hidden from Willoughby. Children ran in every direction. Music rattled in the wind. "What is this place?"

"A safe-haven. We call it Orion's Nest. Transcendents and Curs alike can be here freely."

"Sorry – but weren't you the devil's advocate? Ordering them to take me out. A tiger does change her stripes overnight. You had it out for Transcendents. I lost my son because of you. Poppy, how can you say one thing, but mean another?"

"Em, I had to follow my rules. Delphics have their own set of rules too; as well as the Curs. All I am doing is trying to desperately stay alive. Darwin's theory – remember?! Since I couldn't catch you – he ordered me dead. Expendable? Replaceable? You name it."

"But you have me now..."

"It's too late. My mother was killed in front of me to teach me a lesson and I ran. The darkness is preparing to make its official debut in Willoughby. We need to gather our troops and attack now." Then a tall, dark-haired, strong jawline kind of guy maneuvers over to us and greets us with a warm welcome. "Emma Kolding. It's nice to see you again. I see Poppy has brought you as requested."

"Kristopher!" I shout gleefully before wrapping my arms around him with a smile. "I thought they got to you." He holds me for what seems like forever before pulling away. "No, as soon as I heard of your run-in with that one right there – I gathered the troops here; where we began training and waiting for your arrival. Princess over there was a bit of a pest; before I showed her fear – and she decided to work with us. The Source put a hit out on her head for $1,000,000 and won't stop until she is dead. He doesn't want you dead yet – because he would love to be the reason the world loses you. Poppy is an ally that may or may not be able to be trusted."

Wiggling my lips, I purse them together and say "Why should everyone suffer if it is me that he wants? If I die – won't it solve your issues?"

"He'll come after us, Emmy!" shouts Mikey before all eyes dart in my direction. He said my name aloud. They know I am here. Their long-awaited-written-in-the-stars-savior has finally arrived. Soon everyone was crowding over me; handing me gifts and food and weapons until I started pushing them away. "She's here. Maybe we're not doomed after all?"

"Give her space. I'm sure they are tired and need their rest. Why don't you make their rooms up? We'll meet up after dinner, Lana." Orders Kris to a little girl, not much older than twelve. Soon she runs away with her long golden braids swaying in the calming breeze. I could get use to staying here. "Why don't I have Chuck give you a tour of Orion's Nest? You all up to it?" He signals a slender, teenage-aged, dark-haired, beautiful eyed guy to come over to us; and informs him that we must be watched carefully and guarded at all times while on the tour. Kris pulls Poppy aside and whispers, "Getting her killed is not what I asked of you. I told you to get her to this place before he found her. Once she meets him – it's all downhill from there. Your hard work will be paid for – trust me." The way he said trust me sounded dark and sinister like as if he was the Source of all evil – but he wasn't. I know exactly who is and it won't be pleasant when I run into him. The fact that I'm having qualms about Kristopher isn't a good sign. Darkness is on his way and will stop at nothing to take down anything preventing him from getting to me. Realizing the group was about ten steps in front of me, I ignore his eerie sounding statements and jog to catch up with Mikey and the rest of the group as we took a grand tour of the Nest.

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