25. This means war with a capitial "W"

13 0 0

"This is war." Angrily states Eddie as he holds my wrist begging me not to go. Wrestling my arms away from his grip, I look at him and shake my head. I have to do this without him puppy-guarding me. For once in my life, Eddie needs to take to the backseat and hope I know what I am getting myself into.

"No, this is personal." I say while holding a frown as I walked out into the dark oblivion to meet someone even crazier than me. Eddie shouts out behind me, "Please don't do this. I can't lose you again." Ignoring his words, I charge forward towards my mission and remember the exact day that I learned that Matty always had a hidden agenda.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

I'm four years old. There's a fresh cut above my eyebrow from where I collided with the countertop. Blood everywhere. Mom was pissed off, but not she-devil pissed off it that makes any difference. She pulled me up onto the counter and cleaned the cut. Eddie and Matty were playing Knights of the Helios Osiris. Obviously, Matty was one of the bad guys when he shouted, "You'll die, but I'll make it a memorable death." Eddie retorts with "You underestimate me, my lord. It will not be me that dies. You will die." Pushing off the counter, I run out the door and say "Let me play. Let me play." Edison didn't have a problem because he thought I was cute, but my brother caught the lustful eyes pining for me "This is for big kids. You aren't old enough yet. Wouldn't want to get princess hurt, now would we?"

"I'll tell mommy Mattykins. Let me play. I'll be a knight."

"No. Do you ever listen?"

"Is it because...is it because your best friend was drooling over me? I may be four, but I was not born yesterday. What is wrong with you?"

"Because you're an annoying brat who doesn't ever seem to listen. Stay away from this game and stay away from Eddie. I do not need you stealing him away. Mom! Take Emma away from us. She's getting fussy." I was angry with my brother so I ripped into him with, "You always do this. You don't love me. All I ever did was follow your every command like a servant and you treat me poorly. I'm not some dog you know? You know what Matty – I would rather die than play war with you. As for Eddie, if he likes me then he can like me. Just because I am four doesn't mean I won't hurt you. You may be the Golden boy but you won't be forever!"

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

One of my first visions or prophecies. Look how far I have come. It was just a game back then. How can something so innocent become a real-life-full-fledge-war? He was six years old barking orders like the sinister person he is and no one saw it. Wait. What's the plan of attack again? Find a way to drive Matty to Hade's Point and have the showdown there. Let Matty win. Pull a Matty! It's practically perfect minus the whole zapping me to a mysterious plane of the unknown. The founders got out, so it shouldn't be too hard. How am I going to get him to come to me? Pulling out my phone, I run my finger over the crack in the screen and let out a sigh. Plugging his number into the phone, I click call and listen for the rings. Three rings and then a sinister chuckle.

"Are you stupid or are you asking for a death wish? I may be able to pull off both since I'm in the mood to grant wishes."

"Don't flatter yourself. Let's be adults. A one-on-one meeting. Just us."

"I was not born yesterday, sweetheart. How do I know this isn't a ploy to trap me?"

"Would I be calling you if it was?"

Silence hung on the other end of the line. "What do you want? Amnesty? Nice try. I'd have to like you to allow that, but we're mortal enemies."

"And whose fault is that? You're a Cur disguised as a pure-blooded Delphian who was born a Transcendent. How are you going to eliminate everything you are? Is there a wonder drug you have copious amounts of? Can I get my hand on some?"

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