12. More Than Mystery

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(Fifteen's POV)

We stay inside the motel room tonight. But we did take an order from a pizza delivery. Anytime now, it will just knock on the door and deliver us.

Eleven and I had placed mini-explosive bomb for small ranges, just in case our safety is threatened. We hid them under the window, above the ceiling, and between the sides of the door. If we don't have enough preparation for now, at least we have booby traps and a temporary secured room.

We can escape through the window without worries, if that happens.

Eleven says she have strange feeling for the pizza delivery guy we called earlier.

In a few moments, we heard a knock on the door. Eleven scramble on her feet and took the Loric dagger from her table. I laugh.

"Calm down, I'll take it," I say.

"Be careful, Fifteen!" She says, trying to be quiet.

I peek in on the peephole with a fish-eye lens. I see a young guy with red cap. His height almost the same as mine.

Then I open the door. The pizza guy smiles at me and I smile back. He give me the box of pizza and make me sign in his list.

"Looks like you're never been out for a while," he says while I'm signing. "Tourists?"

I smile. "Yeah."

Then he raise his cap and walk away. I close the door.

"See, it's fine," I tell Eleven. She put down the dagger and lock the door. If there's someone here better than CCTV cameras, it's her.

So we eat in the table with our pizza. While I'm eating, I place a laptop (a stolen laptop), in the table and try to search for anything useful. I'm looking for any signs of Twelve. The last time when I got on board in Greyson's ship with Rex, Fourteen gave us signs in the internet multiple times. I was hoping Twelve will do the same.

"Found anything?" Eleven ask. About, uhm, Twelve?"

I shake my head, scanning different sites. My blog has not been used ever since a Mog found me through it, that's why I don't use it anymore. "Looking for Twelve is hopeless."

"You're right," she agrees. "We don't even have any clues on where he is. It's like jumping into the sea with no reason."

"How often do you speak in proverbs?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I dunno."

I found sites that are really aren't useful. In frustration, I close the laptop.

"Maybe we'll be luckier tomorrow," Eleven says. "We keep trying, okay?"

"Thanks," I smile.

Later, we decide to sleep early. Tomorrow, we'll have to take a walk in the city again. We're not yet satisfied with whatever's happening in the city. The mysterious ones, I mean. In our neighboring rooms, I think I heard music. I really cant sleep with noise, so I cover myself with blanket and pillow until I slept. Fortunately, I experienced no dreams. I calmly sleep in my bed while Eleven wriggles freely in hers.

I wake up fine, still safe in my bed. I realize Eleven was already up when I stand. She's already gone from her bed and took a shower as I could hear her singing.

Seems like she got the energy to find cases today. Especially that last night, she have the positivity that we'll see Twelve.

While she's in the bathroom, I take out my laptop once again.

I viewed the internet and type on the search engine any words related to alien activities in Europe. A recent story brings me to a website about Croatia. My heart pounds. I press the control button and F, and type "PULA". there, the news centers on the city we are in.

I skim the news, and find some intriguing but disturbing lines. I almost feel dismayed and agitated. The lines says something about the mysterious events. There are countless number of people being brought to hospital, police station and other government agencies. The reason? Unexplainable reasons.

I scroll down on the page. " ... yesterday night, the police report about the mysterious people from Zarcon Lodge gone missing... The city's tourism rate touched down into a drop... Citizens are leaving...."

I close the laptop and nearly stumble on the chair behind me. That's when Eleven see me.

"What happened to you?" She ran beside me.

"I- I..." I start, but I can't. Quickly, I open the door and knock on the other rooms. No response.

"Fifteen, where are you going?" Eleven follows behind me. "What's going on?"

With my illusion manipulation, I created a key and unlock one door. Once I open and enter inside, there are no people. Things are messy.

"The cops have been here this morning," I say. "But the people are gone. Why aren't   we...?"

"What do you mean?" Eleven narrows her eyes.

So I show her the website. When she read it, she gave me the same reaction.

"We have to move," I say. "Something is up. We're not safe anymore."

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