16. Lost Everything. Again

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(Greyson's POV)

I thought I'm dead. But I'm dreaming.

My dream is only brief. 

I just saw darkness around me. Suddenly, I was surrounded with mirrors. like that one from the circus with different lenses. But this time, the mirrors are all the same. I walk towards the one in front of me, and all my virtual self followed me. I pull out my hand to reach one virtual me, who didn't move from his place when he's suppose to do the same since he's in a mirror. I grab his shoulder and turn him around. He look like me, but his eyes have both the same color unlike me. "Fourteen...," I wisphered, which turned into a defeaning echo.

Until I wake up.

Someone's pushing rocks away from my body. When I look who's doing that, it's Night in form of a gorilla.

I gasp for air, my lungs are burning. I can taste the rust of my blood dried on my lips. Once Night remove all the rocks, she became a cat again. I try to sit and see the havoc we have caused in this Mog base.

All is gone. The sruggling piken from its weight died of rocks. Some human bodies lay near the bridge. The teenagers are caught again. Clara is gone again.

I momentarily cried. Night purrs and place her paws into my tighs. She's scratching my jeans.

I realize my pendant warms me up. I slowly heal, probably because of our automatic healing ability as Lorics. But it takes time. I've accomplish my mission. I got what I need. my pendant. I can go back to Europe with Eleven and Fifteen.

But I won't. I will not, because Clara is still taken again. I need to save her.

A buzzing sound suddenly rings in my head. I try to sit comfortably in a bed of rock as I take time to heal my cuts and wounds, hoping something will happen in this telepathic call. I try to constant the girls. I concentrate, until something strange sounds.

"H-hello?" A young girl says.

"Eleven?" I ask.

There's a moment of silence. I thought I've gone wrong, until the voice answers again. "What do you mean?"

My eyes widen. "Uh- who are you?"

"This is Number Ten. I mean, unofficially. I'm Ella,"

I gawp. I can't answer that! She's from the ten Garde. But, what does she mean by unofficial? I thought they are actually ten. Does that mean there are still other Garde? I'm confused.

"Hello?" She asks again. "Who are you?"

"Ten, this is Number Thirteen. I am injured, surviving an attack from the Mogs's base. I've been seeking to find the others. We are five. Eleven to Fifteen. But... Don't bother about us. We will try to connect with you once we are united. Hello?"


It was an accident call again.

She must not know. But somehow, they need to know. We exists. We are here. We are alive and trying to survive from Mogs. Yet for some reason, I think it would really be better if they don't know. They should focus on their real enemy, not waste time figuring about the other five escaped Garde.

But we'll try to help invisibly.

I connect again with Fifteen, until suddenly she answers. "Greyson?"

"Fifteen, I found my pendant-"

"That's great!"

"But Clara has been taken. I have no clue on finding her!"

"Oh..." She turns quiet. "You're suppose to find her right?"

I nod. "Of course."

"Look, Eleven and I are close to finding Twelve. We believe he's just somewhere. But the things is, we are stuck in a city. A mysterious city in Croatia. Everything has been going really weird so we ought to solve the case."

"Well, let's hope we'll accomplish our tasks. Take care in there, alright?"

She turns silent again, which maybe she just nodded instead of saying okay.

"Find Clara, then we'll meet in Chicago," she says finally.

"Find Twelve. Be safe, Fifteen," I remind her.

That's when we end our conversation.

I lay my head at the hard rock behind me and sigh out. I can feel my energy starting to revive my body again. When I look at Night, I realize she was not ripping nor scratching my jeans. She's calling my attention from a piece of paper in her paws.

I took it and open the paper. The note is clearly written by Clara. It says:


The last word is unfinished. I know it means Greyson. My name. She didn't have time to finish writing because the Mogs took her.

But seeing the location she wrote, it looks like it's located somewhere in Afria or Asia.

No matter. I have to use this. This is my only lead to her. I have to save her. I will save Clara. 

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