19. An Ace-Skilled Loric Part 1

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(Sean's POV)

I just developed a super weird x-ray vision yesterday, and now I just developed another twisted lightning energy or something.

Causing the accident by shooting my classmate a red lightning is a really bad idea. Soon, I will appear in the news or be featured in the school paper. I hate that and I don't want that kind of things to happen. Though, I can't do anything to prevent that from happening. All I can do is pack my things, fix my stuff and run away as soon and as fast as possible.

The Mogs will be coming for me.

I begin destroying my room and pouring gasoline everywhere. I will destroy this building to leave no tracks once I got away. I slide my bag to my shoulders and go downstairs when suddenly Marco gets in. His eyes are in shock.

"S-sean, what happened at the school?" He stutters. "What's in you?"

I stare at him for a moment. "Listen, I am in danger. We are in danger. I've been on the run with some group of people hunting me down. But I-"

"Just tell me who you are, and how did you have those thing! This is madness!"

"Marco, I," I hesitate for a moment. This is the hard part in life; telling something factual about myself. But I can't lie to him. He's a friend "... I am an alien. From planet Lorien. I have those powers as my Legacy. But we are being hunt down by the Mogadorians... I..."

I didn't finish my explanation. He just stands there, trying to absorb my explanations. "I know you will never understand... I have to go now to runaway "

"Kid," he says, stopping me. "I believe you. But..."

Suddenly, the ground shook. The lights flicker off until we hear the sound of a chopper. Footsteps came marching towards my apartment so Marco and I pin ourselves on the wall feeling nervous. I glance at the side to see who came. It was a tall man with dark suits. His pale skin, black eyes and sharp teeth reminds me of the Mog in the barber shop.

I can't be mistaken. The Mogs are here.

"Is it them?" Marco asks as I nod.

"You came in wrong time. Now I have to protect you," I say. "Come on, follow me."

We run downstairs to the basement in darkness without making noise. But we can hear the Mogadorians' footsteps. They are destroying my place, as vases break upstairs.

"This window is a bit small. If I break it, the Mogs will hear us," I tell Marco.

"Can't you just shoot them with your laser?" He asks.

"No! I haven't trained enough...."

He snorts. "You could try."

I remain silent. He must have been annoyed, so he grunts and take something from the shelves. "There's a reason why I'm a schoolblus driver and a plumber."

Marco opens the window above us with a screw driver. He successfully open it, so he try to climb. But before he can do that, the basement's door exploded. Marco and I got thrown from the impact.

The Mog walks down, his blaster pointed at us.

"Thanks for giving as a signal, Italian Garde," the Mog chuckles. "Now, say goodbye. I mean, chiyao."

His gun fires up, but suddenly, I release the red lightning from my hand once again. The Mog scream as he turns into ashes. The other Mogs must've heard the noise, because I can hear them running now.

"Sean, come on!" Marco yell. He was already outside the window. He thrusts his hands for me to get it, so I take it and he pulls me outside.

We run as fast as we can. The Mogs begin shooting at us but I try to protect us with telekinesis. But even with that, I'm getting weaker. The Mog canons' blasts are stronger.

Suddenly, the apartment exploded. My telekinesis broke, getting Marco hit with a Mogadorian blaster.

"No!" I scream. "Marco!"

The Mogadorians aim their guns at me. "Surrender before we shoot."

"What the hell? You try to kill us!" I stagger backwards. "Don't tell me to surrender!"

"I-I'm fine!" Marco says. He covers his right thigh, but I can see it's still bleeding. My eyes adjusted again. I thought it was going to have thermal visions again. But this time, it's just black with neon green figures. It's obvious: X-ray vision.

I can see Marco's bones. They're broken. Marco's totally not fine.

Then my vision is back.

"We won't shoot. But you must follow," the Mog behind me says. Whatever he say, it doesn't sound like he won't shoot. I know what they're capable of. They're best on lying.

I stand up slowly and felt my dagger under my shoes hidden. I look at a dozen of Mogs. They're not yet many, but soon, they will call for reinforcements and have me surrounded. But I won't surrender. I've come this far. It's too late to even surrender.

So, quietly, I pull my dagger with telekinesis and it place into my readied hand before I throw it at a Mog and decapitate his head. He turns into ash. The Mogs scream, blasting me with their Mogadorian canon. I try to release red lightning, but I don't think I have the power and energy to do it. So I just close my eyes and wait for it.

"Kid..." I hear Marco whisper. "This is so..."

I open my eyes to see the Mogadorians are gone. Their ashes fly onto my face as the wind blows warmly. When I look who did that, a young boy, slightly younger than me, stands at the pavement. He wears brown trench coat and a fedora hat. On his left hand, he hold a black gun which might be a Loric one. I recognize him immediately. The stranger outside my house. The stranger who saw me at the classroom.

And he's... A Loric?

"Good to see you, Number Twelve," he says walking towards my direction with confidence in each step he makes. My mouth hangs open. He can't be another member of the Garde. Or maybe one of us? Thirteen? Fourteen?

He's been stalking me.

He gives me the gun and help Marco get up from his position.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Ace. Short for Francis, but I prefer my nickname," he says.

"You're Number-"

"I am a Cêpan. I don't have a number," he looks at me. A Cepan as young as he, I'm not sure if I'm going to believe him. He's like, what, a seventeen year old? "I came to help you, of course. I'll tell you more once we got out from here. But right now, we need to move."

My mind stays messy. I can't believe it. Suddenly, my mind begins to fill with curiosity. I can't help it. But I manage to smile. I feel the spirit of uniting with the others. Maybe he can now help me.

"Thank you, kid," Marco says.

"You should go to the hospital," I tell Marco. "You're wounded."

"I- I wanted to help you, Twelve," Marco says. I realize he calls me by my number instead of my alias.

"No, let him come," Ace insist.

"He has a family!" I say. "He can't come with us. It's too dangerous."

He turns to me. "We can protect him. And if you worry about his vitals, I have a healing stone at the car."

He points at a black car across the road. I'm still confused about everything so my mind can't think properly than normal.

Ace and Marco walk towards the black car. But Ace turns and look at me again.

"Hey, you coming or not?"

"Of course," I said at once.

I join them.

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