22. To the Bridge

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(Greyson's POV)

"We're going on for another rescue, do you hear me?" I ask Fifteen telepathically for a hundredth time but there's still no response. "This is pointless."

I focus on the road, driving our way to New York to find the bridge Clara mentioned. We stole a car because we're kind of in a hurry. We can't waste too much time waiting at the motel in Virginia for some kind of a divine calling before we do our payback. I've been calling Fifteen to tell her that I'm gonna have to move our rendezvous date because who know what will happen this time? We don't know what awaits there in George Washington Bridge.

This time, I try to contact again, but to Eleven. My mind stays calm. I thought I'm supppsed to hear them speaking, or her mind rather. But minutes later, still static.

"Crap," I mutter as I hit the car's break. The road is traffic. Cars are jammed, their engines honking in noise.

It's in the middle of the day. Hours have passed since we left that motel. We took bus trips to get here faster, but only to came here traffic.

I open the car's window. The red car beside me barks loud beeps from the traffic. The driver doesn't seem pleased. He's a dark skinned, middle aged man.

"Hey!" He yells as he keeps on pressing his car's horn. "Ye move ye'r cars outta way now, I'm late!"

"What's up there?" I yell at him, kind of deepening my voice to not look like a random teenager driving a car without liscense. But hey, I'm linscensed back in Australia!

The man shrugs. "Dunno. Who the hell cares?"

He goes back to making loud noises. Well, I do care. Because I'm trying to save a friend and a bunch of teenagers who are in the hands of Mogadorians. This traffic is seriously delaying everything.

Beside me, Night crawls out from my back, turning into a black, long-beaked bird.

"Can you meet me at the Bridge? I'm gonna have to go find an alternate route," I told her as she shriek in agreement. I smile. "Good, thanks. Now go."

Night flutters her black shiny wings then flies out from the window. I scan the city, the traffic is still ahead of me. Few more miles forward and it will lead me to the bridge. But with this traffic... Wait, does the Mogadorians have something to do with this?

I curse.

I crane my neck at the corner of the building I'm trapped, and saw another route. I use my telekinesis to slowly push the cars behind me backwards. The drivers must've realized what was happening, so they began to shout and panic.

"Sorry, just another inch," I mutter.

When the space is enough for me to drive through, I start the engine and clumsily hit the other cars as I drive backwards. Just then, I found the way to the alternate route and speed up my car. I mean, my stolen car.

I can't feel any signs of water. Or sea. Or river. The Hudson river. I must find it because G. Washington bridge connects this city to the other side, and the Hudson is in between. I keep on driving, looking for a way to find the bridge when suddenly, I hear a familiar bird shrieking. Night. I look up the sky and realize it goes east. She's leading me to the bridge. A pained smile creeps across my face.

I turn the car sideways to follow her.

Soon enough, I can feel the drawing of the water from the river of Hudson. It's one of the abilities I learned alongside my ability to manipulate sea waves. Just as my car continues ahead, the sky turns dark. I notice a dark colossal infrastructure rising up to the sky. It's towering and gigantic feature gives me goosebumps.

The infrastructure looks like piles of boulders and stones. It came from under the wide river of Hudson, which means that it is built underwater and continued rising until it reached the sky. This caused the traffic.

Many cars stopped at the middle of the bridge. Probably, they are afraid to pass through because of an extraterrestrial activity nearby that might harm them.

This is not good. Darn it.

I stop the car quickly. I go out and ran towards the bridge. I can't enter with my car because the traffic continues.

"Fall back!" The cops came, circling the cars, urging them to go back. "I said, fall back! This is an order from the senate. I repeat, fall back!"

They don't understand. They should do something! Where are the militars? Where are the soldiers? They should start doing something by now!

Night swoop down on the ground, staring at me. I glance at the massive Mogadorian infrastructure again. Clara is in there. I need to get inside.

"Follow me," I tell Night.

I jump at the river's bank. That's when several cops saw me.

"Kid, this is a restricted area. Go back now," he says.

"Look," I tell him. "Somebody is trying to threaten the city! Do something because I will do mine."

He raise his gun, his eyebrows narrowing. "What are you talking about? You're just a kid!"

I stare at my hands, smirking. "Yeah, I'm just a kid."

I push him with telekinetic force as I jump at a speed boat. Night flies upward, going to the Mogadorian tower of jagged rocks. The other cops found me and starts to shoot and yell. But I'm further now. Whatever the cop who told me I'm just a kid, he doesn't know what to say really. I've been in the run for sixteen years and nobody's gonna stop me.

The river waves crashes against the speed boat. I control them and sent small torrents of them to the coast where the cops are trying to shoot me. For once, the firings stop.

The sky becomes even darker as the boat reaches the massive infrastructure, almost as wide the bridge probably.

"Where do I get in?" I mumble. I roam around the tower hoping to find some kind of a door, but it seems like there is none. I back away then, and try to raise the waters from the river. I gather them up, rising ten feet above my head. I release my hands as the waters crash at the earthen walls. It starts to crumble. So I keep on hitting it with the waves. When the waters ebbed from the wall, a hole opens. There was darkness inside.

There was silence.

"Clara?" My voice echoed through inside. My heartbeat pumps faster and faster. "It's me, Greyson! Where are you?"

It's stupid to call her name in this Mogadorian building. But this is a prison! There's no way out or no way in. That's why I'm sure, they're here.

My speed boat floats nearer. Clearly, the inside of it was something like the typical Mogadorian base. Cold. Dark. Smelly. And also...

Heavily guarded.

I raise my hands, as squadrons of Mogadorians aim their Mog blasters at me.

"Hey there, Greyson?" one of the Mogs snickers. His features are far more different from the rest of the others, as of he looked more human than a Mog. But he has tattooes. No doubt, he is a Mog. I'm confused.

Then I gulp.

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