14. The Third Legacy

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(Sean's POV)

My Legacies are developing faster than I anticipated.

The more I am prone to Mogadorian attack, I guess the more my Legacies work.

My weird visions are disturbing me. It just happens so suddenly and I don't know how can I control it. But the vision is like seeing through solid objects by a weirder way.

Quickly, I search in the internet about red, yellow, green and blue vision like radar. I search for images and found the same scenario. I click for some articles, which says that it's called thermal detection. The ones used in radars, the difference is, it's green and black in radar. Whereas, thermal detector or whatever vision it gives me, it's for detecting heat. Hence that's why it's called thermal.

The Mogadorian's thermal condition is more of blue than red. Or does that mean they have less heat in their body?

But above all, why the hell did I have this weird Legacy?

I drink water to ease my confusion. This is really weird. Soon enough, another Legacy will appear.

I have to train myself more.

As long as I am in danger, I am no longer sure of my security.

Meanwhile, I cut my hair myself after watching how to do it in home, since it's too dangerous to even go to barber shops. I fix myself up. Despite of being in danger, I have to go to school. I bring my dagger inside my bad and some stones I may find useful in case a Mog attacks again. 

Thinking about the Mogs, do they already knew about the five of us? The five escaped Garde who aren't supposed to be part of the Elders' plan?

I wonder how much they know about us.

Before I leave my apartment, I secure my safety precautions first and close every window and lock my rooms. Every possible hideout, I close it. My Chest is hidden in the basement. My other Loric items are with me.

I turn on the television to give intruders idea that someone is home. Once I opened it, a news about the barber shop is featured.

"Oh my god," I mutter. The barber looks a lot worse than it look yesterday. His skin begins to deteriorate. Black liquid oozing out from the wound in his chest, from where the Mog stab him to death.

The news, otherwise, tells that the man died in heartattack and possibly theft plus robbery in his store. Even the reporters are unsure.

I leave the house and go straight to the university without waiting for the school bus.


"Alright class, who can tell me about the anatomy of the human person?" Our professor speaks in front of the dimmed classroom, showing us her PowerPoint presentation about the topic. Some students raise their hands and wisely answered her questions.

Meanwhile, few chairs away from me, I could see Lucy. She is also raising her hand, her glasses covering her bright brown almond eyes.

Suddenly, I feel something wet behind me. Something shoot. When I touch it, it's a small piece of paper wet with something I don't want to know.

I peer behind and see Dean. That lame Neanderthal human boy. He laughs after seeing me.

"Sean Hummington!" Professor calls. I hear Dean's voice saying hummingbird. I close my eyes. "How do you differ the human anatomy from animal?"

I can see she's trying me. Because she saw my head turned at Dean a while ago. It's her way of getting her students' attention.

"I- uh... It depends on the type of animal..." Something shoot on my neck again. "Human anatomy is obviously upright and bipedal while animal is otherwise..."

Another shoot on my neck again. My nerves getting on it.

Professor eyes me and turn around to turn on the next slide and continue discussing.

"Hey, Sean, nice recitation," Dean laughs from behind. My hands are clenching. I can feel heat brewing inside of me. Dean keeps on talking while my head spins like hell. It's not telekinesis. It's something new.

Dean did not stop talking. The more he talks, the more I feel irritated and annoyed. I can feel heat breaking out from my hands, chest, ears, and eyes. That's when I can't hold it anymore. Dean says his last sentence laughing. "How do you differ-"

"Stop it!" I burst out. My classmates scream as something came out of my hands. Lightning. Red lightning. Right to Dean's body. His body shakes horrifically as everyone look at me in terror. It's no ordinary lightning.

Red and scary.

The moment the lightning stop, my classmates freeze. My professor fozen in terror too. Lucy stares at me in disbelief.

I ran outside the classroom, the noise begin blaring. I shoot into the sky, hoping everything will end. This is wrong. I- I didn't know I can do that. I didn't know what happened exactly. All I know is I can't control my anger so I let it out.

This is bad.

I've put myself more into danger. The Mogadorians might be alarmed by now because of my stupid actions. I need to fly away from here. I need to move and hide again.

Tears start to fill in my eyes. I can't help it. I am so stupid!

As soon as I see my home, I swoop down and landed, breaking the granite pavement. I open the door and head to get my things fixed up. Suddenly, I noticed the news. I went back to see what is being reported. It's about a boy in Brazil who mysteriously saved a girl from a falling debris. Followed by reporters' theories about appearances of crop circles in many places. In mountain carved, in plantations burned, in walls with blood. It was a symbol that bears three dotted-lines formed into a spiral with a dot in the middle.

Immediately, my heart pounded again.

The Garde. Three dotted lines. It might be Number Three. Or Number Thirteen. Or Number Fourteen if I count the dot at the center. Lorics have their own way of discerning which symbol belongs to whom.

But from my guesses, I know who it is: Number Fourteen.

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