4. quarantined

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Haley's P.O.V.

Not taking the mission specialist position was honestly a good decision. Seeing Leo more involved in the team made me happy because I knew that's what he wanted. There were times where he would ask me if I was sure I made the right decision, but I know that I did. There would be a position that's right for me on the team, and whenever it came, I would gladly take it.

We were all in the lab as Davenport, and now Leo, were discussing an important mission they had to go on. Leo had his own little tablet and everything now, and you could tell that he was loving every minute of it. We were all standing in front of a monitor.

"Guys, I need to prep you for a very important mission, and to demonstrate, Leo-" Davenport began to say, but Leo stopped him.

"Mission specialist Dooley," Leo corrected him, "will be adding a little more audio visual pizazzle to the usual snooze fest." Leo swiped his tablet and fireworks began to go off on the screen in front of us. We all just looked at him and he said, "Hey, you want a show? Kick in the dough."

Davenport rolled his eyes and then said, "Tonight, I'm sending you to gather intelligence."

"You hear that, Adam? You better bring a big basket." Chase said to him.

I turned to Davenport and asked, "Please tell me they're also gathering something that'll make Chase less annoying."

Chase just glared at me as Adam laughed and we did our handshake.

"Leo," Davenport said and Leo swiped his tablet, which brought a picture of a large warehouse up on the screen, "I was satellite scouting industrial sites when I found this warehouse that I think is a front for environmental criminals." Leo swiped the tablet again and a picture of barrels with a green label on them popped up. Davenport continued, "See these barrels? They're full of toxic chemicals. They're expensive to dispose of properly so they're probably just going to dump them into the sea."

"Which could harm ocean life and obliterate the coast line." Leo added.

All of a sudden, we heard Bree start laughing next to us. We all looked over at her and saw that she was talking on her phone. I had a pretty good feeling on who she was talking to. Bree has been complaining to me a lot lately about wanting to have a boyfriend because she said she was jealous that I had one. Marcus and I sit with this guy named Owen in one of our classes, and we sort of set him up with Bree. They immediately hit it off, and at first I was happy to help, but now it's honestly just getting a little annoying. Owen is an artist, and he tells me everyday in history class how Bree is his muse.

"Owen, you are so sweet! Yes, I will 'Bree' your valentine." She said to him as she placed her hand over her heart. She turned towards us and said, "See? He took my name, and-"

"Yeah! We got it!" Chase cut her off.

"Even I got it!" Adam said to her, but then he turned to us and said, "I didn't get it."

Davenport began to walk over to her and ask, "What is going on?"

"She's talking to Owen again." Adam said annoyed.

"He's an artist and he claims that Bree is his muse. You can thank Haley for that one." Chase said and I gasped at him.

"Excuse me for trying to help my friend!" I pretended to mock, but then I turned to Davenport, "But it honestly is getting kind of annoying though."

"Well, I for one am not amused." Davenport punned. Leo pressed a button on his tablet, and it made the 'wa-wa-wa' sound. You know, the sound effect that lets you know someone failed. Davenport walked over to Leo and took the tablet, "Give me that." Then he pointed to Bree, "And you. Off the phone!"

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