8. parallel universe

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I'm so excited for you all to read this chapter. You will get to be able to see the parallel universe version of Haley! I'm warning you guys now. She is very annoying, and I actually was getting very annoyed writing her. I hope you all enjoy!

Haley's P.O.V.

About a week after the strike, the Davenports invited me over to their house for a movie night. It was a movie that we all had been talking about, and we were all very excited to watch it. While Tasha was getting the movie ready, Davenport brought all of us downstairs to show us one of his new inventions. When the elevator doors opened, we saw that there was a large object covered by a white sheet in the lab.

As we walked off the elevator, he said, "Invent the wheel? Boring. Discovering electricity? Snooze. Sliced bread? Lame."

Leo's eyes widened as he looked at Davenport offended. Davenport continued, "But now, Davenport Industries introduces the world's first proton fuser!"

He pulled the sheet off of the object and two side ways cones on sticks were revealed. They were each on small carts. The five of us looked at each other not really seeing the excitement of two cones.

"You know, for a scientist, you think your pay offs would be a bit more proportional to your build ups." Leo said to him.

"Uh, the pay off is that it allows us to see the origins of the universe. This thing fuses subatomic particles so we can understand how planets form." Davenport told us.

"Well, I already understand how boredom forms." Bree said unimpressed.

"Haven't you ever wondered where stuff comes from? Galaxies? Stars? Planets?" Davenport asked us.

"This stuff? No. Onion rings? Yes." Adam said.

"Guys, I have always wanted to build this thing and now, it's a reality. It's an important life lesson. If you have a dream, believe in it because it can happen." Davenport told us.

"Then my dream is to leave." I said as I went to turn around, but Chase grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Um, Mr. Davenport. Isn't it dangerous to tinker with the fabric of the universe?" Chase asked him and Adam started to laugh.

"He said tinker." Adam laughed immaturely.

"Yes. Technically it could destabilize the Earth or open up a wormhole into a parallel universe, but I made it and I want to play with it." He said.

He ran over to the proton fuser and began to type away on his keyboard. The proton fuser turned on and a blue and purple light shot out from both of the cones. When they met in the middle, a small ball was formed in the middle of the two cones.

"Prepare to be amazed!" Davenport said to us excitedly.

"Or gravely injured." Chase said, which caused Adam to push us behind him.

A few moments later, the proton fuser began to die down and the ball sparked away. Davenport looked at it and frowned.

"Once again, big build up, teeny tiny pay off." Leo said from behind him.

Thankfully, the elevator doors opened and Tasha walked inside the lab. She was going to save us all from this disaster.

"Okay. The popcorn is popping, and the movie is uploaded." Tasha said, but then quickly said, "Or downloaded. Oh, whatever. The red thingy is blinking green. Just head upstairs. It's movie time!"

The five of us smiled before we all started to head to the elevator. Leo began to run behind us, but Tasha grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"Hold it, Mister. No movie for you until you finish your chores. Your room is a mess and you haven't washed the dishes in days." Tasha said to him.

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