18. llama drama

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Haley's P.O.V.

It has been about a week since we got rid of all the Adam duplicates. Thankfully, the pizza guy was the last one that we know of, so hopefully we don't find any more Adams running around any time soon.

We were all down in the lab getting ready for school. I was putting my laptop in its case when Adam picked up a flask from the cyber desk. He asked, "Hey, can I use this? I need a place to put my toenail clippings."

It took everything in me not to vomit. We all looked at him in disgust as Leo asked, "You save your toenails?"

"Of course! They're nature's toothpicks." Adam told him.

"I'm going to puke." I muttered to Bree.

"You don't even want to know what he flosses with." She told me.

"You really don't." Adam confirmed, which made Leo and I look at him in horror.

Chase quickly ran over to Adam and took the flask out of his hands. He exclaimed, "Give me that! It's not empty. There's thousands of metallic nanobots in there."

"Well, then why can't I see them?" Adam asked him.

"Because they're microscopically small." Chase told him.

Adam looked confused as he said, "But you're microscopically small and I can still see you."

I began to laugh at Adam's joke because that was honestly a good one. Chase gave me a look before saying, "Nanobots are so tiny, which means they're only visible to the human eye. Here, I'll show you." Chase grabbed a pair of goggles from the counter and said, "Put these on."

Adam put the goggles on and looked inside the jar. He gasped, "Woah!"

"They function like mini doctors inside the human body. When patients swallow them, they'll seek and destroy any diseased cells or foreign matter." Chase explained.

"Oh! I got a tennis ball and a mini Statue of Liberty somewhere in my gut." Adam said excitedly as he took off the googles and patted his stomach. He grabbed the jar and said, "It's time to swallow a search party."

"Adam, no! Those are valuable!" Chase said to him.

"Come on, guys. We don't want to step on broken glass." Bree said to Leo and I.

"What broken glass?" Leo asked, but I already knew what was going to happen.

"Give me that!" Chase said as he tried to grab the flask from Adam's hands. They continued to tug it back and forth before it flew out of their hands, bounced off the cyber desk, and shattered on the ground.

Leo looked at us and said, "Right."

With that being said, the three of us walked out of the lab.


When we got to school, I decided to wait for Adam and Chase so I could hang out with them. One because Bree and Leo went to talk to Caitlin. Two because I was still feeling guilty about the whole Marcus thing and I really just needed to be away from Leo. When Adam and Chase walked inside, I ran over to them.

"Hey, did you get all of the nanobots?" I asked them, mainly Chase.

"Yeah. Adam-" Chase began to say.

"Didn't help at all." I finished for him, "I kind of figured."

"Hey, I helped a little bit! I watched them through the goggles to make sure they didn't get away!" Adam said defensively.

"Oh, sorry. My bad." Chase said to his brother sarcastically. He looked around Adam's shoulder and asked us, "Why is Dewey the Dingo standing in the middle of the hallway?"

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