9. spike's got talent

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Haley's P.O.V.

At school a few days later, we all got our school yearbooks. I have to admit, my school picture this year was definitely one of the best ones I have ever taken. Usually my school pictures are terrible and I cringe whenever I look at the yearbook. The worst part is that you can't do anything about it.

I was looking over Adam's shoulder while looking at his yearbook with Leo while Bree was looking at hers with Owen when Chase stormed over to us with his yearbook. He pushed between Adam and Leo, which caused for Adam to bump into me and for me to almost lose my balance.

"Did you guys see the yearbook? Everybody but me got a 'Most Likely To! Even Leo." Chase exclaimed, which made Leo and I curious.

"What? Let me see that!" Leo said as he took the yearbook out of Chase's hands. He began to flip through until he found the page he was looking for. He read, "Most Likely to never get a Most Likely. I'm on the board!"

"What's mine?" I asked him.

His eyes scanned the pages until he found my name. He read, "Most Likely to skip school so they can stay home and sleep."

We both looked at each other before nodding our heads and saying, "Makes sense."

"Well, that proves it. I'm completely invisible at this school." Chase said disappointed.

"Chase, that's not true. If you were invisible, I couldn't do this." Adam said to him before punching his shoulder. Chase cried out in pain and held his shoulder. Adam ran off as Leo handed Chase back his yearbook.

"Chase, just because you weren't nominated doesn't mean you're invisible." Bree pointed out.

"Oh really?" Chase asked as he flipped through his yearbook. He held it up when he found the page he was looking for. There was a box with no picture in it, but a question mark instead. He read the name at the bottom, "Chip Davenport. I'm a misnamed question mark!"

He slammed his yearbook shut as Bree and Owen just shrugged their shoulders. My eyes rolled to the back of my head once I saw Principal Perry walk in from the cafeteria. This should be good.

"Listen up, snot buckets! Don't forget to sign up for the annual Mission Creek High Talent Show. Auditions are after school and will be judged by muah." She said as she pointed to herself, "Chances are that if I don't like you, then you probably won't get through and I don't like any of you so good luck!"

She walked away from us to hang up the sign up sheet on the wall across from us. That's when Owen shot up from his seat, and my eyes widened. What was he doing?

"Talent shows are wrong!" Owen said as he walked over to Perry, "There are no winners or losers in creative expression."

"Stick a paint brush in it, emosabi." She groaned before walking back into the cafeteria.

Owen looked flabbergasted as he said, "I refuse to stand by while that woman crushes the artistic souls of our student body."

"Doesn't she do that everyday?" I asked him.

He just looked at us for a moment before saying, "I'm going to go sketch my feelings!"

He walked away from us, and Chase, Leo, and I all gave him weird looks. Bree, on the other hand, looked after him like he had just saved a woman falling from a ten story building.

"He is so tortured." She said dreamily, "Isn't it great?"

She walked away from us and Leo scoffed to me, "And I thought you were the only one who had a creepy boyfriend."

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