19. the haunting of mission creek high

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Haley's P.O.V.

So to start this off, let me just refresh your memory about a certain person who walks the halls of Mission Creek High. He is the boy who has repeated his senior year five times, picks on Leo every chance he can get, and has zero brain cells inside his head. That's right. I'm talking about Trent, who decided to strike on Leo today once again.

It was another day at school where Adam, Bree, Chase, and I were all talking in the hallway. All of a sudden we heard someone go 'psst!' We all turned and saw Leo peeking his head out from behind the gym door. We all looked at him with weird expressions.

"Hey, guys. Have you ever had that nightmare where you're standing in the middle of the school in nothing but your birthday suit?" He asked us.

"Oh god." I muttered to myself because I already knew what happened.

"Well, it's happening to me!"

Leo walked out from behind the gym door, and he was wearing nothing but his towel. Adam and Chase's jaws dropped while Bree and I bit our lips so we wouldn't laugh. The students around us either laughed or gave Leo weird looks.

"Someone stole my clothes while I was in the shower." He told us.

"Well, when I lose something, I find it helpful to ask yourself 'Where's the last place you saw it?'" Adam told him.

Leo gave him a weird look as he said, "On my body."

"And you've definitely checked there?" Adam questioned, and Leo just gave him a look.

"That is so mean. Who would do that to you?" Bree asked him.

I looked at my watch and began to count, "Three, two-"

Chase looked at me weird and asked, "Why are you counting down?"

That's when Trent came walking in from the gym wearing Leo's clothes, which were way too small for him, and had Leo's shoes on his hands. He let out a large yell to let the whole school know he was in the hallway. He is so obnoxious.

I looked at Chase and said, "That's why."

"Trent, you took my clothes?" Leo asked him.

"Well, yeah. How else am I supposed to play 'Attack of the Giant Trent?' Fee, Fi, Foe, Fum! I smell the blood of a wimpy one!" Trent yelled as he stomped around in a circle. He stopped in front of Leo, got in his face, and said, "Get it? It's you."

Trent began to stretch his muscles, but when he bent down, Leo's pants ripped on the back side. Trent said, "Oh! Tear in aisle two! Looks like your mommy's going to have to buy you clothes at the Not Big and Not Tall store." Trent laughed obnoxiously as he ran over to one of his friends and high-fived them.

"Why does Trent always pick on me more than anyone else?" Leo asked us.

Chase said, "Well, I outsmart him. I've studied his schedule and routine to ensure we're never alone together. I even know when he's going to take a-"

"BATHROOM BREAK!" Trent suddenly screamed in the hallway. He high-fived two more of his friends before running out of the hallway.

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