5. robot fight club

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Haley's P.O.V.

For the past few weeks, there was only one thing Leo would not stop talking to me about. It was the Robot Throwdown. Every year, Mission Creek hosts a competition where teams build remote control robots and they pretty much fight to the death. Leo has entered every year, but he is always defeated by Kevin Stone, who is the five year champion. Leo has been begging me for weeks to join his team because he knows that I can help him build a good robot. I'm actually smarter than I seem. When I eventually gave in because the grand prize was five hundred dollars, he got very excited and said he wanted to ask Chase to be on our team too. Even though I had a small feeling that Chase would try to think he's the best and run the whole thing, we needed his super intelligence to build the best robot.

When Leo and I walked down in the lab to go find him, we found him laying on the ground in front of Adam and Bree. They all wore gray robes, but before I made a joke, I remembered Davenport telling Leo and I that they would be studying the principles of aikido, which was some sort of Japanese culture fighting technique. Adam and Bree ran on the elevator as Leo and I walked in the lab.

"Chase, get up. We need your help." I said as I walked over and pulled him up.

"The annual Mission Creek Robot Throwdown is coming up." Leo said to him and Chase rolled his eyes.

"Guys, for the last time, I'm not a robot. I'm a man!" Chase said to us and Leo and I just gave him weird looks. Chase corrected, "One day, I'll be a man."

"We're not talking about you. It's a competition where remote control robots fight to the death!" Leo said excitedly. I was beginning to regret being on this team. Leo said, "Here, take a look."

He pulled up a video of the Robot Throwdown on his computer and began to show Chase. The video showed all different kinds of robots fighting against each other in an arena.

"Leo, that's cool and all, but I've got way better things to do than-" Chase started to say, but I cut him off.

"The grand prize is five hundred dollars." I told him.

"And I'm in." He said with a grin. We all looked back at the screen and saw Kevin Stone in the video. Chase asked, "Who's that guy?"

"Kevin Stone. That smug jerk wins every year. He thinks he's so much better than me!" Leo exclaimed.

"It sounds like he is better than you." Chase told him, which is exactly what I said when Leo told me about Kevin Stone.

"That's not the point!" Leo sneered at him. Once Leo calmed down, he began to say, "So I was thinking-"

"That if the three of us teamed up and built a robot together, we could take Kevin down!" Chase interrupted, "That's a great idea! We'll make a perfect team! I'm an amazing engineer, a brilliant designer, and the most intelligent person on the planet! Haley's got the muscle of the team, and you..." Chase said when he got to Leo. When he couldn't think of anything, he just smiled and placed his hand on Leo's shoulder, "You are the guy who picked us."

Chase and I high-fived as Leo just glared at us.


For the past few days, the three of us have been working on the robot nonstop. Working with Chase was actually a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. As Leo sat back and threw out ideas to us, Chase and I actually worked pretty well together. We took each other's suggestions and were able to build off of them pretty well. Before you ask how I know how to do some of this stuff, I was really bored a few months back so I came down here and watched Davenport work on one of his inventions. He taught me the basics of what I needed to know.

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