25. no going back

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Haley's P.O.V.

When the end of the day school bell rang, I couldn't help, but let out a sigh of relief. Not only was I relieved that the day was over, I was happy with how my life has been the past few weeks. My training has been going great, there were no more awkward moments between Chase and me, I haven't thought about Marcus in weeks, and Leo and I were getting along great. Things were finally starting to go back to normal.

After I walked out of class, I met up with Adam, Bree, and Chase. Leo was sick with a cold so he wasn't at school today. Adam, Bree, Chase, and I all walked down the stairs together.

"I'm so glad that school's over." Bree said relieved, "Mrs. Thistle talked for an hour in history. She's ninety. Should she really be wasting that breath?"

Before any of us answered her, we all stopped at the bottom of the steps when we saw the lunch ladies scanning all of the students with metal detectors before they could leave. The four of us looked at each other confused. What is going on?

"What's all this?" Chase asked.

"Listen up, frog spawn!" Perry shouted as she collected students' phones in a red bucket, "Security check. Put all the metal objects in the bucket, then proceed to the wands for a more thorough search."

The four of us walked over to her and Bree asked, "Principal Perry, what's going on?"

"Someone's been stealing laptops from the computer lab, so I'm going to bust the perp. Or perps." She said as she eyed us. Then she continued, "Bottom line, no one leaves this school without going through those metal detectors. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sort through loose change and have a little heart-to-heart with the vending machine."

Once she walked away, a realization dawned on me. I turned to Adam, Bree, and Chase quickly and said panicking, "Guys, we cannot get wanded. Those things will go off like crazy when they detect our bionics."

"Well, what are we going to do?" Chase asked, "She's totally going to bust us!"

I'm guessing Perry heard Chase because she immediately ran over to us and asked, "Bust you for what? What are you hiding, Little Bo Peep?"

Bree stuttered slightly, "Um-heh-heh-he's not hiding anything.

"Well, he does have an unusually large birth mark on his left hip." Adam told her, "You stare at it long enough and it kind of looks like Justin Bieber."

Chase gave him an annoyed look before Perry grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the metal detectors. She said, "Empty your pockets."

Chase began to stammer, "Principal Perry, I-"

"Comply, perp!" She yelled, cutting Chase off. He took out his phone and placed it in the bucket. Perry told the lunch ladies, "Wand him."

The lunch ladies started at his feet and slowly moved up. The detector was silent until it got up to Chase's neck. It started beeping like crazy, and Adam, Bree, and I all looked at each other worried. Chase looked extremely nervous, and my stomach dropped and my heart began to pound. Please tell me this wasn't happening.

"Well, what do you know? We got one." Perry said, "Flank him, girls! The little ones always put up a fight!"

How were we going to get out of this one?

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