Let the Reigns Go Loose

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"Haley, left." Claudia stated as she sat down on Lucas's bed.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked looking upset.

"I mean packed up her bags and left. Her family went to go visit their family in Virginia." Claudia answered sternly. She missed Haley so much.

"Oh Claudia what I have done?" Lucas groaned.

"Listen, Luke. She will come back. I promise." Claudia replied walking back up to her. "Just go have fun with Alba." Claudia muttered as she walked over to the door.

"Anna." Lucas replied turning around to face Claudia. 

"Whatever." Claudia muttered as she walked out of his room. Lucas chased after her.

"Please, Claudia. I hate when we fight." Lucas stated and Claudia turned around and marched up to Lucas.

"I am not the one you should be apologising to. It's Haley." Claudia replied and Lucas looked more upset.

"So we are okay?" Lucas asked and Claudia nodded her head.

"I am not picking sides. Even though you were a jerk." She smirked as she punched his shoulder before she walked off.


"Come on, pony up people! There's kids in this world a lot more miserable than you!" Brooke shouted shaking a money jar. "Thank you. God bless." Brooke smiled as Claudia and Peyton walk up to her.

"Look at this; one over-ripe cantaloupe, two number three pencils, what kinda Writer is this?" Peyton exclaimed to Claudia about Chris' list of demands. 

"Change for the needy?" Brooke asked looking at Peyton and Claudia who were confused as hell.

"Brooke, I had no idea you were so...charitable." Claudia muttered awkwardly. "What's the cause?" She asked fixing her crotchet bag strap on her shoulder.

"Just...needy people." Brooke made up as someone put money in the jar.

"Brooke." Peyton exclaimed amused. "I recognise the photo. It's from an ad for cramp medicine." Peyton laughed and Claudia looked at Brooke accusingly. 

"Wow! Homeless and PMSing...poor girl." Brooke replied and both girls looked stunned.

"Brooke!" They exclaimed wanting to know the truth.

"Alright. The money's for me. I'm the needy one as in I need some things for your club opening." Brooke revealed, Peyton and Claudia exchanged significant looks.

"Do you realise how wrong that is?" Claudia asked looking at her best friend. 

"Sort of, but...you know, what am I supposed to do for money?" Brooke asked awkwardly.

"Try getting a job." Peyton stated obviously.

"Right, doing what?" Brooke asked laughing.

"Anything, a number of things. What are your skills?' Claudia asked sincerely.

"I dunno. I'm good with guys. Dates, dating." Brooke listed, that was not what Claudia meant.

"Yeah, and?" Claudia asked with a raised brow.

"Sex." Brooke shrugged and Claudia shook her head. 

"That would make you a hooker." Peyton replied seriously and Brooke shrugged and someone handed her money, she took it with a smile. Peyton shook her head, smiled and slapped Brooke's shoulder. Claudia did the same.


Claudia and Nathan walked down the corridor towards Lucas. Claudia and Lucas were friends because she was not going to pick sides over him and Haley.

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