Something I Can Never Have

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Nathan walked into the bathroom and up to the mirror, it was the day of their wedding.

"Claudia, come on already, we're gonna be late for our own wedding reception." Nathan said as Claudia stood in the shower.

"Okay just give me two more minutes. The shower massager has three speeds." Claudia replied.

"Yeah, and you have one: slow." Nathan replied.

"Would you quit complaining. I need the extra time. Besides, people expect the bride to look beautiful." Claudia laughed as Nathan stood in front of the mirror playing with his hair.

"Yeah? What about me?" Nathan asked looking at himself and Claudia slid open the shower door.

"Don't be silly, no one would ever expect that of you." Claudia smiled before she slid the door closed again.

"Oh, OK. That does it." Nathan laughed as he pulled off his t-shirt and the rest of his clothes. He stepped into the shower.

"Nathan!" Claudia giggled.

"We're gonna be late, we're gonna have to do it together." Nathan replied laughing and they both kissed.


"Claudia, what are we doing for your set list?" Josie asked as her and her daughter sat in the local diner across the road from the concert arena.

"I thought it was, head turner, bad habit and then my duet with Chris." Claudia replied eating her chocolate cake.

"Yeah but they want you to add one more." Josie smiled and Claudia's face lit up.

"Which one?" Claudia asked beaming.

"Baby, baby, baby." Josie shrieked and everyone looked over. Claudia stood up and clapped her hands smiling.

"Seriously?" Claudia asked just to make sure.

"Seriously." Josie replied smiling with utter delight.

"I have to go rehearse." Claudia stated standing up.

"Honey?" Josie said and Claudia nodded her head.

"Oh yeah bye mum, love you!" She said before she kissed her mum's cheek and ran out of the diner.


Nathan was still driving in his car, heading to visit Claudia. He flipped up his phone and dials home. He held the phone up to his ear to listen to an answer phone message.

"Hi, you've reached the Scott's, um, my wife and I are, uh-" Answer phone Nathan said before Claudia cut in.

"Your wife? What do you, like, own me now?" Answer phone Claudia asked and Nathan smiled to himself as he listened to his wife's voice.

"Yeah, I do." Answer phone Nathan said and Answer phone Claudia laughed.

Nathan and Haley were sitting on their bed, recording their answer phone message.

"Hi, this is Nathan and Claudia Scott, please leave a message... or... not." Claudia laughed as she looked at a frowning Nathan.

"That's the worst thing I've ever heard." Nathan replied as Claudia gasped and turned the recording off.

"Shut up, it rhymed, I like it!" Claudia said as she laid across the bed, Nathan beside her.

"Oops!" Nathan said sarcastically as he pressed the delete button and deleted the answer phone message.

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