I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning

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Claudia was sitting in her dressing, playing the piano. She was singing alone to 'God Only Knows', a song by the beach boys that she sang to Nathan for the first real time. There was a knock on the door and the guy came in to her dressing room. 

"Claudia, Chris wants to rehearse." The guy said and Claudia turned around to face him.

"Sure. But when I want to rehearse he starts to moan." Claudia muttered to herself as she smiled at the guy. Claudia walked up to Chris who looked annoyed.

"You dedicated your song to Nathan. Claudia we are meant to act like we are a couple." Chris said as he marched up to Claudia angrily.

"Chris I am married." Claudia replied annoyed.

"Well, come on tell him that. I heard he slept with a girl called Taylor last night." Chris replied and Claudia's heart fell to the ground.

"How would you know?" Claudia asked trying to hold back her tears.

"Connections." Chris replied smirking.

"Have you been going through my things?" Claudia asked angrily and Chris just rolled his eyes.

"Not the point, Claudia. The point is that-" He began to say and Claudia walked away. "Claudia, where are you going?" Chris asked shouting after her.

"Shut up. Rehearse yourself." Claudia shut before she shut her dressing room door and slid down in crying. She picked up her mobile phone.

"Hey Nathan. It's Claudia," she said trying to hold back her tears. I was obvious that she was crying, "I just wanted to chat. Listen, did you sleep with Taylor last night?" She asked, her voice croaking. "I need to know." She said sternly before she took a deep breath. "I love you Nate." She cried into the phone before she ended the call. 


Cooper, Lucas and Nathan are walking to a place where cars are kept. Lucas made sounds of approval as he saw the cars. He knew that Claudia would of loved this. 

"This is Jeff Burton's car." Lucas asked in shock.

"Yes it is." Cooper replied and Lucas gasped. "Hey, you guys wanna meet him?" Cooper, the cool uncle, asked.

"Yeah." Nathan exclaimed as they walked up to the man.

"Hey, Jeff!" Cooper said and Jeff turned around at the sound of his voice. 

"Hey, Coop." Jeff Burton nodded.

"These two knuckleheads are fans of yours." Cooper said as he shook Jeff's hand.

"Oh, is that right? How you guys doing?" Jeff said shaking the brothers hands. 

"Good." The both replied smiling.

"Hey, your car was really fast out there. Who's driving it?" Jeff asked Cooper.

"That my crew chief, Ray Green." Cooper replied and Jeff nodded his head.

"Oh, yeah, I know Ray, he's a good man. It's a shame what happened." Jeff replied and Cooper inclined his head in agreement.

"Yeah, it is." Cooper stated in agreement.

"Look, you guys stay out of trouble." Jeff said to the brothers smiling before he turned to Cooper. "I'll see you in Darlington." Jeff said as he walked away. The boys just laughed.


The boys were all standing at the race court speaking to the infamous Ray Green.

"Hey, Tony?!" Ray shouted to the driver in red. The helmet was pulled off and the long hair fell out. They placed the helmet on the stop of the car and smiled. 

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