The Heart Brings You Back

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Claudia broke off her kiss with Chris, who looked stricken at the day dream.

"I can't do this." Claudia said with certainty. Chris looked disappointed and Claudia pushed her hand through her hair. "I'm sorry." Claudia muttered awkwardly.

"Yeah, I figured." Chris replied hurt. Claudia watched him as he slung his bag over his shoulder and picked up his guitar case. "You're not ready." Chris said as he turned away and walked to the bus. Claudia closed her eyes and Chris got on, the door closed behind him. He takes his seat and looked out of the window, Claudia was looking at him too. Thunder rumbles and it starts to pout. He looked at Claudia one last time before the bus turned and cuts of their view. Claudia watched him go depressed. 


Nathan was emptying food into a bin and placed dirty dishes onto the worktop when there's a knock at the door. He looked at it.

"Claudia?" He asked himself as she opened the door, however, it was not Claudia looking back at him. 

"Whoa!" The mysterious girl exclaimed and Nathan squinted at her. "Claudia didn't mess around." She smiled as she placed her hands on her hips. "You're Nathan, right?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, yeah, do I... do I know you?" Nathan asked as he tried to remember her. 

"Well you should; I am Claudia's best friend and Haley's older sister." The girl replied.

"Oh. uh." Nathan stuttered awkwardly, he still had no idea.

"Taylor(!" Taylor exclaimed as she shook her head amusedly. "Claudia never mentioned me to you?" Taylor asked and Nathan sighed while shrugging. 

"Can I come in?" Taylor asked as she walked in uninvited. The thunder continued to rumble. Taylor bent over to take her shoes off and Nathan sees the tattoo of a scorpion on her lower back. He frowned some more, he was still trying to remember her.

"You wanna grab that?" Taylor asked bent over, Nathan was stunned.

"Wha-excuse me?!" Nathan asked stumped and Taylor looked at him over her shoulder.

"My suitcase." Taylor stated as she pointed her suitcase.

"Oh." Nathan said as he turned to pick it up. He lifted it up and brought it into the apartment. "So, uh, Claudia never said you were coming." Nathan said awkwardly.

"Ah, she didn't know." Taylor smiled as she stood up. "So, where is my best friend?" She smirked smiling.

"Out." Nathan replied as he closed the door.

"Well that's vague." Taylor replied smirking to herself. "Guess we'll have to get acquainted till she gets home." She continued and Nathan felt very uncomfortable. 

"Yeah, sure, uh... just make yourself at home." Nathan replied. 

"Careful what you wish for, new best friend." Taylor grinned before she walked away. Nathan sighed, still trying to figure her out. 


A soaking wet Claudia entered the apartment. She quietly shut the door behind her, not wanting to wake Nathan. However, he was sitting near the window, waiting for her. 

"Where the hell have you been?" A very angry Nathan asked. Claudia spun around in the process of taking her jacket off and placed her hand to her heart.

"I just... I needed to clear my head, Nathan." Claudia lied as she started to walk away.  

"Best Friend!" Taylor exclaimed and Claudia was stunned. She spun around to see Taylor in a nightgown with a towel wrapped around her head. "Look at you!" She exclaimed as she hugged Claudia who was confused.

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