Don't Take Me for Granted

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Claudia was sitting on her bed, she had been up all night worried about Nathan. He had not came home. She was still in her formal outfit, except her mascara was smudged down her face.

"Claudia." Lucas said from the other end of the phone.

"Hey!I'm sorry to bother you so early, um Nathan and I had a fight last night and he didn't come home and -" Claudia said dishevelled through obvious lack of sleep. Lucas cut in.

"I talked to him, he is okay." Lucas said through the phone as he sat on his bed.

Oh well, do you know where he is?" Claudia said as she walked into the kitchen. 

"No." Lucas said shaking his head.

"OK, well. The next time you talk to him, can you... ask him to come home please?" Claudia asked distraught as she sat on the counter, binge eating oreos.

"OK, I will. Alright, well look, don't worry yourself OK Claude? I'm sure he's fine. Alright?" Lucas laughed. "Just put down the oreos, you have a severe addiction." Lucas joked, it was amazing how he could tell she was eating the oreos.

"Ok. Bye." Claudia laughed as she shut her phone. However, Lucas had lied to Claudia. Nathan was actually sleeping on Lucas' floor on some duvets.

"Thanks for covering for me man." Nathan said as he began to sit up.

"You're welcome but it sucked!" Lucas groaned as he picked up his bag. "I don't wanna lie to Claudia." Lucas continued annoyed with himself.

"You just did." Nathan yawned. Lucas sat on his bed in front of Nathan, who was still on the floor.

"Why don't you go home? Work it out. It... didn't sound like Claudia was going to school anyway." Lucas suggested, because he knew that Claudia needed Nathan. Claudia was already pretty upset about Haley leaving and music helped her. "She's need someone to be with her right now especially with Haley gone." Lucas explained and Nathan groaned at the last bit.

"Yeah, why would they have the Formal on a Sunday?" Nathan asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"I dunno; to keep the students from partying, getting wasted." Lucas said before he pointed to Nathan. "Arguing with their wives." Lucas joked.

"Yeah, well it didn't work." Nathan muttered before he changed the subject. "How'd it go with Anna anyway?" Nathan asked.

"Well, lets just say we didn't exactly end the night together." Lucas answered evasively. 

"Who'd you end up with?" Nathan asked but before Lucas could answer there was a knock on the door. Brooke opened the door. She looked at them and then down at Nathan. Nathan scoffed, understanding what she meant. 

"Only in Tree Hill." Nathan stated and Lucas laughed.

"Ew, you two realise you're related right?" Brooke asked at the two half-brothers.

"Hi Brooke." Nathan said standing shirtless.

"Double ew if Tutor Wife is here." Brooke stated as she leant on the table.

"She's not. What's up?" Lucas asked smiling.

"Um... my car is now out of commission, thanks to my jealous, spiteful stain of a neighbour... and I was sort of thinking... that... you might wanna walk to school together." Brooke replied shrugging. Brooke smirked as she looked over at Nathan. "Unless of course, you're waiting for your 'Boytoy' here." She joked.

"Go ahead. I'll catch up with you guys later." Nathan replied waving them off.


(Nathan opens the door and enters, still in his Formal wear. He sighs and closes the door. Haley emerges from the bedroom and walks to him.)

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