Chapter two: Contract

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Grace's POV:

I got home after school. Phil told me he called my mum and dad so I don't have to break the news.

"Mum! Dad!" I yelled as I opened the front door. My dad came sprinting towards me. I jumped into his arms.

"Congrats G!" He yelled. My mum came rushing in after and hugged us both. They both seem too excited.

"We have to go to phils office in Westminster." I shouted while running up the stairs. 

10 minutes later...

There is my outfit

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There is my outfit. Now time to head off.

"Who's coming with me?" I yelled. Dad was stood at the door waiting for me.
"Guess you are." I laughed. We rushed out the door and headed to the tube station.

It only takes 10 minutes to walk to the tube. Then 15 minutes on the tube to west minster then it's a 15 minute walk to Phils office.

Skip the journey...

We arrived at Phils office. As we walked in, I spotted Kyle walker. Dad and I both being citizens. We freaked out.

He turned around and saw us stood there.
"Hey, you're Grace Roberts. I'm ky..." Kyle began.
"I know who you are. The best rightback in the prem. and play for the best club." I said.
"Cheers but your the best female CAM. We need you in our female squad at city." He explained. I laughed.

"Can I get a photo?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed my phone and passed it to my dad. He put his arm around my waist and smiled. Dad passed me my phone back. Kyle then passed him his. We did the same.

"Can I get a photo?" My dad politely asked.
"Of course man! Dan isn't it?" Kyle said. Dad nodded, they follow each other on Twitter. Dad gave me his phone and I snapped a photo.

"Right we better go, got a contract to sign." I laughed.
"Bye!" Kyle said opening his arms. I hugged him then ran up the stairs.

Phil had his door open so dad and I just walsted right in.

"Phil Hitty, where do I sign?" I laughed as I sat down opposite him.

"Let me explain this then. The agreement is, you will do press work, interview female and male footballers, photo shoots, in charge of EAwomens social media page. Plus be on the cover of the game. You'll get a grand a week then 5% of every game sold." Phil explained.

My jaw dropped. How amazing is that. And I'm only 16. I picked up the pen and signed.

"I'll call you when the first meeting is and where it is." He added. I nodded and stood up. We shook hands to be all 'buisnessy'.

Dad and I left. Kyle wasn't there anymore so we did t hang about.

35 minutes later...

We got home. Mum had made us dinner. It was vegetarian chilli with whole meal pasta, salad and sweet potato fries. All home-made.

The three of us clean it all up. I then rushed up to my room and checked my phone.

Emanuel- Fancy coming round mine for a game of FIFA? -17:59

Grace- Sure when shall I come? -18:02

Emanuel- Now. You got the address. -18:05

Grace: okay boo, on my way. -18:06

"Mum, I'm off round Manny'S" I said poking my head round the bathroom door.
"Okay Hun don't be back too late." She replied.

Manny doesn't live too far so I jogged there. It's about a 5 minute jog.

When I arrived, I knocked at the door. Manny answered, wearing only his boxers. I jokingly covered my eyes and laughed. He pulled me in. I took off my shoes the he showed me to his gaming room.

"Here is the man pad!" He yelled as he opened the door. Tobi was said in there on a bean bag with FIFA loading up.

"Ay Grace!" Tobi said as he jumped up to greet me. I hugged him.

All three of us then sat down on the sofa. Me squashed between the two brothers.

"I'm off you two! Grace don't thrash him too much at Fifa." Tobi laughed as he stood up and left the room. I giggled and poked manny. Tobi shut the door.

"Let's play forfeit FIFA!" I whispered.
"Okay first person to concede has to snog the other person." He mentioned. I bit my lip and nodded.

We began the game, him as Liverpool. Me as Man City. He had kick off and did the kick off glitch. He scored.

"Looks like you have to do the forfeit." Manny laughed. I paused the game and sat on his lap. I began kissing him lightly. It became more intense. His hands started wandering up and down my back. He slipped his tongue in my mouth. I bit it slightly. Then I pulled away.

"Damn." He uttered almost speechless.

"Next person to concede has to give the other person a lap dance." I suggested as I unpaused the game.

We kicked off. I passed it around then lost possession. I got it back and ran through his defence. I scored. He paused the game.

"Common babe." I giggled slapping my thighs.

Manny stood up and took his jumper off. He pulled me onto the edge of the sofa. He separated his legs so mine were inbetween. He began thrusting his crotch. Manny then began taking his shirt off to reveal his chiseled body. I ran my hand down his abs. Manny leant into me. I kissed him slightly. He held my waist then stumbled slightly. Manny pulled me onto him on the floor.

"Ooh." I giggled as I sat up on his crotch.
"Only if we were naked." He mumbled.

A/N: does Manny like Grace? What's going to happen between them? HOPE YOUVE ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER!💞

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