Part four: Tension

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Manny'S POV

What the hell just happened? I want to know what Saffron told her. Plus why was she crying? Who was the lad she was texting!

I really like her but I feel like there is something going on with that Kieran lad. It's really annoyed me after us having that moment last night. I'm just going to have to find out what is going on.

The bell went for first period. Grace and Anna walked out straight away. I decided not to chase her.

"What's up bro, you seem down!" Ben explained. I shrugged and us lot headed to science.

Our entire science group is basically our squad then 7 nerds. Ben, Davis, James and I walked into the class room. The tables had moved around so everyone was stood at the back ready to be put into a seating plan.

We joined them.

"Right then!" Mr Parker yelled, "Manny, here!"  He pointed to a seat right middle of the class room. The tables were in twos.

"Grace next to him."  Sir said. She came and sat next to me.

"Hiya stranger." I laughed pushing the chair out for her. She smiled and sat down. I tried to act like nothing was wrong but I was still pissed off.

"You still coming to my training tonight?" Grace asked me.
"Didn't know I was aloud." I replied not looking up. She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Of course your aloud. I'll come to yours straight after school so you can get changed then we'll go to mine until training." She explained. I lifted my head up and smiled at her.

"What?" She giggled. I shrugged and lightly punched her arm.

5 minutes later...

Sir finished the seating plan. He then began the lesson.

Mr Parker may not have seemed it at first but he's well cool. We're aloud to do whatever as long as we do the work. He always teaches for the first 10 minutes then sets book work. So we just sweat the book work in like 20 mins to go on our phones.

30 minutes later...

Grace and I both finished the work. We had our phones out when I got a snapchat. She could see my screen. I opened it. It was from Olivia.

"Why is that bitch on your phone baby?" I read in reply to the picture of me and Grace. I rolled my eyes but Grace went all quiet.

I replied with, "Grace isn't a bitch, and don't call me baby I don't like you."

I then placed my phone on the table so she could read it but she had her eyes fixed in her phone.

I then got a text.

Mason: You've fucked up bro.
Me: What? What have I done kid.
Mason: G just texted saf saying she's gonna cry and you're actually talking to Olivia.
Me: oml! I didn't know she liked me. What do I do?
Mason: make it known that you and Olivia ain't talking.

I placed my phone on the table with mine and Olivia's messages open.

"Gee." I said. She turned around and I smiled.
"What's up?" I asked noticing her red eyes. Of course I knew what was wrong.
"Nothing." She muttered trying to laugh. I wiped her tears.
"You look well cute today, even when you're crying." I said winking.

I caught her glancing at my phone, I pretended not to notice. Her face lit up. I think I've fixed it.

After school...

All us we're walking home. Saffron and Anna split off from us to go down their street but I live on the street behind them.

Grace and I were left on our own.

"What was actually up today?" I ask her.
"I was told you were talking to Olivia and after last night I was quite hurt by it. But now I know you're not." She explained. I slung my arm round her waist.

"I would never do that." I whispered. We carried on walking home. My parents work 2-10pm so they won't be there.

We get to mine, we were the first there. Tobi has to pick my sisters up and Jed is a slow walker.

I unlocked the door. We both ran up stairs. Grace has never been in my room. We always just chill in the games room.

"I think my room is tidy..." I laugh as I open my bed room door. I grabbed her hand as we walked into my room.

"Not too bad." She giggled as she embraced me. It took me by surprise. I wrapped my arms her waist.

"Babe." She smiled. I pulled away from her then kissed her. Grace kissed me back.

"Get change Baby." She said.
"Take a seat." I sat pointing to my bed.
"This is the shag pad." G laughed.
"Pffttt I wish. But only got my eye on one lass."

She sits down on my bed. I strip into just my boxers.
"Damnnn." She yelled.
I walked over to my closet and picked out my clothes.

 I walked over to my closet and picked out my clothes

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I got dressed.

"Manny why is it so gosh dang cold in your room?" Grace moaned. I laid next to her and pulled her onto me.

"You still cold?" I asked. She shook her head while not wiping the massive grin off her face. I kissed her forehead. She grabbed her phone out of her pocket. We took a picture of us.

"We better go to mine babe." Grace mentions as she sits up. I nod and followed her.

"Bring your boots just in case." She said and winked. I grabbed my adidas Ace 17.1 'S. I'll just put them in her bag cause it would be weird for me to bring a kit bag.

Grace and I went downstairs, as we got down there Tobi and the girls came in.

"Graceee!" Tobi yelled walking over to her and opening his arms. Grace hugged him, then we headed off.

A/N- do you want the rest of the Sidemen added into this? I think I might. Hope your enjoying this. Comment ideas X x


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