Part three: confusion

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7am Tuesday 20th September

Grace's POV:

I woke up after an amazing day yesterday. I can't believe manny. Does he like me? I can't help but catch feelings for this gorgeous boy.

I went downstairs. Mum had prepared my banana protein pancakes. I have a kind of strict diet being a semi-pro footballer. High carbs, high protein, low fat, low sugar.

"Thankyou mum!" I smiled as I saw  my tea and pancakes.

"No problem! How was your night. Didn't see you when you got home." She asked as she ate her breakfast. My mum is a fashion designer. She has her own office with millions of designs.

"It was good thanks." I replied. Mum and I have always been close but I don't want to tell her about manny.

"Ah anyways each your pancakes and get ready for school darling." She smiled as she left the room.

I finished my breakfast and rushed up the stairs. Immediately, I checked my phone.

Manny: Cheers for the amazing night. We should do that again sometime. Xx

Grace: Thankyou! And 100%. I've got training tonight so it can't be tonight. Xx

Manny: Can I come watch? Xx

Grace: maybe we'll see. Xx

I closed my phone and started getting ready. I do basic makeup for school. Foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, soft highlighter, eyebrows and mascara. I straighten my wavy hair.

I finished getting ready. I was dressed in my uniform.

I heard my phone ringing. It was manny.

Manny: "yo!"
Grace: "what's up?"
M: "can I walk to school with you?"
G: "sure, I walk with Anna and saf aswell though."
M: "that's fine. Pick me up."
G: "okay cya in a bit."

I ended it.

Why do I feel like he likes me? Spamming my phone. Inviting me round his. Kissing me. Asking to come to my football practice. Asking to walk to school with me.

I cut out of my thought when I heard my doorbell. I knew it was Anna and saff. I poked my head round my mums office door.

"Bye mum!" I yelled. She jumped as she was so focused on her laptop. Mum just waved. I grabbed my bag from the kitchen then opened the door.

"G! We started to get worried." Saff laughed. Anna and I joined in.

"We have someone walking with us today." I smiled. Saff looked confused.

"Manny! We have to go pick him up." I blurted. Their jaws dropped.

"Cause you're my girls, I'm going to tell you this..." I began. Saffron immediately interrupted me.

"You like him!" She said. I blushed.

5 mins later...

We got to Manny'S. I knocked on his door. He opened it, Tobi was with him. Tobi and Anna are together. Anna immediately hugged Tobi. Manny shut his door as Tobi walked off with Anna.

"How's you?" I asked manny.
"Good! How about both of you?" He replied. We both nodded.

We all walked to school. Luckily we live kinda close. As we entered  school, saffron ran off. Tobi and Anna were already long gone. That just left me and manny.

"Last night was amazing." He whispered in my ear. I smirked but looked down to hide my blushing. He pulled me closer to him.

Manny and I walked into the canteen. Everyone was sat there. We sat next to each other.

"Grace. Anna. Come with me!" Saff said as she stood up and rushed out of the canteen. Straight away, I got up and followed her out.

"What's up?" Anna asked. Saffy looked at me.
"Mason just told me that Manny is talking to Olivia." Saff said. My face dropped.
"As in Olivia who moved to Spain?" I questioned.

She nodded. They both hugged me. My eyes flooded slightly. I wiped them then we walked back in.

I sat next to manny still but I didn't look at him. I just spoke to Ben. Manny kept putting his hand on my leg. I kept moving my leg away.

The bell went for form. Anna and I ran off quick. We went into our form room. I turned to Anna when he were stood still. I burst into tears. She comforted me. Miss Taylor came out from her cupboard and saw us.

"Grace!" She yelled. She touched my arm. The rest of the class came in and sat down. Manny and the gang came towards us. I had my head up but tears still running down my face.

"Yo Grace. What's up?" Manny asked as he put his arm around my waist. Anna passed me a tissue. I wiped my tears. Everyone sat down leaving miss, manny and I.

"Do u want to talk?" Miss Taylor asked.
"Not right now." I replied. She nodded and sat at her desk. Manny hugged me. I hugged him back. We then went and walked to our table.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. Knowing he could see my screen, I texted Kieran. Kieran is also an u16 footballer for Chelsea. Obviously boys though. Kieran has told me he liked me before so I gathered he would play along.

Grace: Hey, you coming training? Xx
Kieran: Yes. I'll see you there! Xxx
Grace: yes you will babe xxxx
Kieran: good babbeee xxxxx

Manny quieted down slightly. I need to find a way to see if we actually talking to Olivia. Maybe if I went on his snapchat?

"Manny." I laughed as I held my phone up. He placed his chin on my shoulder and smiled. I took the picture and posted it on my story.

"Let me take one on your phone." I smiled. He unlocked his phone and passed me it. I opened his snapchat. Put a filter on us then put my head on his shoulder. I sat back up after taking the phone. Put the caption as "fav💞". I sent it to his story but looked at his best friend list first. I was at the top and she was at the bottom.

That didn't help, but at least we got a cute photo. I handed him his phone back.

A/N💞- Do you think manny is talking to Olivia? Should Grace talk to him? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Xo

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