Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Ance stretched his arms over his head as he stood up and shook the sleepiness from his bones. Today was the last day he and Penelope would be traveling together. They would reach Briggston tonight and for that Ance was grateful. Not only would he finally be rid of this girl who was slowing him down but it would be nice to sleep in a real bed for a change. Ance was finding that the older he got, the less appealing the hard ground became.

He walked toward his mare to get her saddled and ready for the trail and was interrupted by a whimper behind him. Quickly Ance turned and rushed toward Penelope who was struggling to stand.

Very gently the giant of a man lifted the girl to her feet and held her steady until she seemed to have her balance. "Thank you," she whispered sleepily.

"Are ya alright there, Penny?" Ance questioned.

She giggled, "My name's Penelope."

Ance shook his head as he busied himself cleaning up camp. "You're far too small a girl to have a big name like Penelope."

"My mama said my papa picked my name," Penelope informed him as she worked on folding up the blanket she had slept upon. "My papa died. I don't remember him because it happened when I was only three."

"Papa's die.. It happens." Ance replied with a grunt as he stomped out the ashes left of their small campfire. Over the last few days Penelope had told him many things about herself and her life with her mama on their horse ranch but this was the first he was hearing about her papa.

"Do you have a papa?" Penelope questioned.

Ance sighed and threw the saddle over his mare's back. "I reckon I must have one somewhere but I don't reckon the man has ever bothered to introduce himself to me."

Penelope frowned and scratched at her blond hair as her forehead wrinkled up. "You mean you never met your papa?"

"Nope," Ance held his hand out and she placed her rolled up blanket in it. "But there ain't no damn point whining about how neither one of us has a pa. Shit happens, Penny."

Penelope giggled. "You curse a lot."

Ance couldn't stop the low chuckle that rumbled from his chest. "That's cuz I didn't have a pa to teach me better." He winked at her and the bright smile that she awarded him with caused his heart to stutter several times in his chest.

Ance quickly turned away from her. The quicker they got to Briggston the better. He didn't need to be going and getting attached to some little girl with a bum leg that talked too much and seemed to think the world was some happy place where everything would turn out fine.

"Let's get a move on," Ance grumbled. "We'll get to that town this evening."

"And I'll be able to send for my mama," Penelope smiled as she limped her way to the horse.

Ance's jaw was tight but he said nothing as he lifted her into the saddle and then settled himself behind her. It wasn't none of his business that this girl was going to get her heart broke by her worthless whore of a mother--he'd saved her life and that was enough charity.


"Barnaby Wallace," Rodger York announced as he stepped into Audrey's kitchen several days after she had asked for his help.

Audrey dropped the plate she'd been washing back into the bucket and wiped her hands on her apron. "Who?"

Rodger stepped forward and smiled down at her. "There was a man named Barnaby Wallace who was passing through a nearby town around the same time that Penelope disappeared. He is known for stealing anything he thinks he can sell for a quick profit--including children."

Audrey's heart dropped as she covered her mouth and shook her head. "Rodger... what kind of monster has my child?"

Rodger's blue eyes softened. "She's going to be fine, Audrey, because I'm going to go rescue her back for you."

Audrey could barely contain her excitement. While she was terrified to think of what her poor daughter might have endured, at least now she had a lead--she had something to go on to help her find Penelope. "Thank you, Rodger! I don't know how to repay you!"

"No payment is necessary," Rodger smiled gently and placed a tender hand on her cheek. "I would do anything for you, Audrey, and I'd never think twice about it."

Audrey bit her lip and moved away from his touch. While she was grateful to the man for his help it didn't change the fact that she could not encourage his advances toward anything more than friendship. Rodger York was a man married to his career and his own wants and need. Yes, he was helping her, but Audrey had no doubts he'd use this as something he could hold over her head to attempt to garner her affection.

"I will be coming with you, Rodger," Audrey insisted, not wanting to be completely in the man's debt. "I want to help find my daughter."

Rodger shook his head forcefully and smoothed his hand over each side of his thick mustache. "I don't believe you will!" he exclaimed. "It's dangerous out there, Audrey, and even more so when going after a man like Barnaby."

Audrey nearly laughed out loud. Just how dangerous could a man named Barnaby be? She stood her ground with the U.S. Marshall. "I'll not be told what I can and cannot do, Rodger. I am a grown woman and an independent one at that. While I will forever appreciate what you've done to help me and would very much appreciate having your help until Penelope is home safe, I will be going after this man and my daughter with or without your approval."

Rodger's blue eyes flashed with temper and Audrey stepped back. That was another reason she had never been tempted by Rodger's advances. She could sense something in the man--something hidden just below the surface. A meanness and cruelty that she worried would further reveal itself were they living under the same roof as man and wife.

Audrey was not a woman who would be abused by any man.

"Audrey it isn't safe. I must insist...."

Audrey yanked off her apron and tossed it over her chair. "I care not about what you insist or don't insist and I will not allow you to bully me into submission. I am not a damsel nor will I be one while someone else rushes off to save my daughter! If Penelope is in danger then I will be riding right on in to help her. What kind of mother would I be if I did not?"

Rodger studied her carefully a moment and then he nodded. "Fine then. We will ride together and work on finding your daughter. But I must warn you that the road can get dangerous and nights can get cold on the trail."

"I'm not as fragile as you seem to believe I am," Audrey assured him.

Rodger clicked his tongue. "Just the same, your well-being will be in my hands and I'll take good care of you."

Audrey shivered at the implication of his words and quickly excused herself to go ready a bag for the trip. There was so much swirling around in her mind and so many things to worry about.

Her daughter, her beautiful, sweet, crippled daughter was in the hands of a monster who would sell her to someone for a quick profit--Audrey was smart enough to know the only reason a man would buy a little girl and the thought was nearly enough to cause her to lose her meager breakfast. Not only that but the man who was helping her was desperate to push Audrey into marriage--a marriage that was never going to happen because truthfully Audrey didn't fully trust him.

But the fact remained that Rodger had ridden in to help her find Penelope and he had been able to find a clue that may lead to her daughter's recovery.

Audrey could only hope that they found Barnaby Wallace in time and save her daughter from the terrible fate that no doubt awaited her.

A/N: sorry it's kind of short! I wanted you to have a chapter though because it's been a while. Life has been crazy for me lately and will probably stay crazy for the time being but i'll do my best to upload as often as i can.

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