Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen 

Audrey stepped out into the sunlight with Penelope the next morning and held her hand tightly. Penelope glanced all around them and Audrey knew who she was looking for because Audrey looked for him too. 

And there he was. 

Ance was standing less than twenty feet away and leaning against a banister. Audrey was once again struck by the sheer size of the outlaw. Six and a half feet of broad, solid man. He had a body that was built from hard living and Audrey found herself wondering how he'd gotten that scar that marred his cheek and formed a pale line through his thick beard. 

When his deep blue eyes connected with hers and he rolled his cigar to the corner of his mouth, Audrey felt something she hadn't felt in years--not since her husband had died.... Desire. 

Quickly she shook off that ridiculous notion. This was an outlaw, a dangerous man and certainly not the type she needed to be feeling anything more than gratitude for. 

Ance's eyes didn't remain on her long before he turned his gaze to Penelope. Audrey saw a softness come over his stern features when he gazed at the girl and she felt a tug in her own heart. 

Penelope happily cried out his name and ran as quickly as her leg would allow her to toward the man. She was halfway to him when her crooked leg became caught on an uneven board and she began to fall. 

Audrey winced, knowing that she couldn't reach Penelope before she struck the boards and knowing that the fall was going to hurt.....

But her worry was for nothing. More quickly than even lightning or a rattler could strike, Ance shot forward and caught the girl in his arms, lifting her up and propping her on his hip in one fluid motion. 

"Shew!" Penelope giggled. "That was close." 

"Yeah, it was. You know better than to run like that in places where they have such bad carpenters," Ance replied, kicking at the uneven board. 

Audrey laughed lightly and Ance's eyes once again locked on her. Audrey felt that overwhelming sense of helplessness... she knew it must be akin to what a mouse feels when the cat finally has it cornered. Ance was a man who was clearly a predator--dangerous--and when he looked at her so intently it made her tremble deep down.

"Ance, can we perhaps go get some breakfast at the café and talk?" Audrey offered, determined not to let this man see the fear, or desire, that he stirred in her. 

Ance nodded and without a word he stepped off the boardwalk and began crossing the street with long strides. He was heading toward the only café in Grandy with Penelope still held tight in his arms. Audrey stood there quite dumbfounded for a moment as she wondered if her daughter even remembered she was around. 

Then Penelope looked over Ance's shoulder and waved for her. "Come on, mama! Ance don't wait for nobody. You gotta keep up!" 

"He doesn't wait for anybody," Audrey corrected without much thought as she dashed to catch up. 

"That's what I said!" Penelope assured her with exasperation. "Isn't that what I said?" she asked Ance. 

"That's what I heard," he replied in that deep, low rumble of a voice that he had. 

"Yes, well, a gentleman should wait for a lady," Audrey announced as she caught up and smoothed out her skirt, falling in step beside the outlaw. 

Ance grunted. "I sure as hell ain't a gentleman, Audrey. And the way I see it, if a woman wants to walk with the men then she damn well better keep up and not whimper or else she can go sit on the porch and knit with the other women." 

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