Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

"You are quite unpleasant," Audrey stated bluntly as she curled her nose at the man currently keeping an eye on her... not that anyone needed to keep an eye on her. She was chained to a wooden support beam, down in a dark cellar somewhere in a giant stone fort. It wasn't as if she could go anywhere.

The man keeping watch sneered in the glowing lantern light as he chewed at his filthy fingernail with his crusty teeth. He winked one pale gray eye at her and grinned. "I've got something filthy for you, you little bitch."

Audrey rolled her eyes. "If you think for one moment I would let you shove your dirt crusted friend inside me, you are sadly mistaken."

"And just how would you stop me?" he asked as he stepped closer. Audrey could smell his stench and it turned her stomach but she remained standing tall and looked him straight in the eyes.

"By taking my knee and sending the favorite part of your anatomy on a crash course into your stomach."

He paled a bit and he raised his clenched fist. "Why you little..." Audrey knew he was going to hit her and she closed her eyes only to hear the door open and Barnaby's voice fill the air.

"Don't you dare put a mark on her, Gus," he warned.

"Didn't you hear her mouth?" Gus spat. "She needs to be taught a lesson about respecting men and learning her place as a woman."

"I respect those who earn my respect," Audrey assured him. "I fail to see a single man in this room. I see nothing but little boys who are angry because they lost their toy and now want to fight with the other children because of it."

"You are a mouthy one, aren't you?" Barnaby laughed with amusement, causing his large belly to shake beneath the red jacket he wore. He rubbed at his graying mustache and tilted his head. "After Ance makes his appearance and I kill that thieving bastard, I believe I might end up keeping you instead of selling you to the savages." Barnaby clicked his tongue and turned his attention to Gus. "But just in case I do decide to sell her, don't bruise her. The savages like them better without bruises."

"How thoughtful," Audrey muttered.

Barnaby grabbed her chin and pulled her face toward him. "I would have preferred to have you and that little brat but you hid her good, didn't you? Oh well, if there's any good luck left in the world, you hid her so good no one was able to find her and she's already dead from thirst."

Audrey's heart fell to her feet as her legs trembled. She sincerely hoped that wasn't the case. She had hid Penelope under that floor in a desperate attempt to save her life--all she could hope for was that Ance would have realized Barnaby was in the territories and came back in time to get Penelope back out.

Hiding away her emotions while these two men looked on, Audrey simply tossed her matted hair over her shoulder. "My daughter will live a long and happy life in spite of the best efforts of you and Rodger York. And you are a fool, Barnaby, if you believe that Ance is coming for me."

"And why is that?" Barnaby questioned as he released his hold on her face and folded his hands on his belly.

"Ansel Adams is a selfish, mean, brooding, angry man who cares about nothing but himself. He is more than likely rejoicing with whiskey and cheap women now that he's been relieved of his burden."

Barnaby shook his head. "Don't insult my intelligence. I know Ance, my dear. Ance is a man who, in the past, lived only for himself and did not care about anyone else. Then he stole the girl from me and he killed to protect you both. He left you with that crazy recluse so he that he could come hunt me down and that alone tells me that you and that little girl mean something to him. You have changed something deep within the man and he will come for you."

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