Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Audrey woke up the next day at just before noon feeling puffy, tired and raw. Ance was gone, Penelope had cried until the early dawn hours and Audrey had taken over the task of weeping once her daughter had finally found sleep. 

Now a new day was upon them and, just as she always had, Audrey knew that she had to pick herself up and carry on as if she weren't worried sick. She had to be strong for Penelope. 

Audrey smelled meet frying. She rose from the bed, smiled down at her daughter curled up with her new doll, and made her way down the ladder and out of the loft. Getting Penelope up that ladder the night before had been a challenge and Audrey certainly wasn't looking forward to getting the girl down today. If Ance were here the man could toss her over one broad shoulder and....

Audrey shook her head. Ance wasn't here. He was off risking his life because Audrey had been too blinded by her work and caring for Penelope all these years to realize what a monster Rodger York was until it had been too late. 

After scolding herself and reminding herself that those types of self-loathing thoughts would not do anyone any good, Audrey focused her attention on their host as he stood over a pan full of sizzling meat at the small cook stove.

"What are you cooking?" Audrey inquired as she stepped closer. 

"Fried opossum," Old Man Thompson replied before smacking his lips and rubbing at his gaunt stomach. "No finer eatin' around. I caught it fresh just this morning." 

Audrey fought hard to keep from turning her nose up and maintain a polite smile. Beggars couldn't be choosers when it came to meals, and while fried opossum wasn't her idea of a good meal, it would fill their bellies and was very kind of Old Man Thompson to prepare for them. 

"Thank you for the meal," Audrey tipped her head. "I must attend to some personal matters outside but when I return is there anything I can do to help with the meal." 

"Just bring your big appetite, missy!" Old Man Thompson waved his wooden spoon in her face. "I've got bread in the oven and squirrel gravy over the fire pit." 

Audrey's smile faltered and only sheer iron will kept her from gagging. Rodents were not her first choices when preparing mealtimes at home. "Great," she managed to offer politely. "That sounds delicious." 


"Mommy, I loved that gravy!" Penelope beamed as Audrey washed the dishes from their meal in metal bucket on the porch and Penelope dried them. "Do you know how to make it like that?" 

Audrey shook her head. Thank the Lord she did not. While the meal hadn't tasted too horrible, it had been the mental thought of those beady little eyes, long tails and big yellow teeth that had nearly done her appetite in. "No, I don't, sweetheart." 

"That's okay." Penelope shrugged. "I'll bet Ance does. He knows how to make just about everything. He cooked us some squirrels before you found us." 

"I'm sure he'd be happy to make you some squirrel gravy," Audrey assured her daughter. "Make sure you get all the water off those plates now, we don't want to stack them in the cupboards wet."

Penelope frowned as she ran the towel over the plate. "I wonder what Ance ate today." 

Audrey's heart tightened at the innocent concern in her daughter's voice. She reached out a soapy finger nad poke her nose. "Probably steak and potatoes." 

Penelope giggled. "Or fried muskrat." 

Audrey shivered. "I've had quite enough rodent to satisfy me a good long while." 

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