Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Briggston came into view that evening just as the sky was turning orange. Ance couldn't explain the gnawing ache in his gut as the two story orphanage came appeared in the distance. It was a white building turned gray and tan with dust and age. The shutters and door were black and the glass paned windows were a bit dingy and in need of a cleaning. 

A whitewashed log fence surrounded the building and three small children, wearing worn and aged clothing, were swinging on several wooden swings. 

"Is that where I'm going?" Penelope whispered softly.

"Yep," Ance replied, his voice tight. 

It was best for the girl to be among other children in a place where she'd be well taken care of and taught an education. Ance couldn't give her a home or a stable life--and he didn't want to. Ance was not the fatherly type and he reckoned he never would be. 

"I'm off to the poker tables," Irish announced. "I have a cart to be savin' up for so I can make my fortune." 

"Peddling that damn poison you're calling a cure-all," Ance grunted. 

"Ya might want to try you a wee sip, Ansel. It might cure ya of that melancholy and grouchitis that tends to take ya over." 

Ance simply glared at Irish and when Penelope giggled Irish beamed, tipped his head with a flourish of his hand and rode away. 

"So, you think it's funny that the man seems to think I have grouchitis?" Ance asked Penelope as they rode ever closer to the building that was making his stomach clench. 

"You're not as grouchy as you sound," Penelope replied, but Ance noticed that she was sinking deeper and deeper into him as if she were trying to disappear. 

"What's wrong?" he grunted, pushing her forward a bit. 

"N..nothing," she whispered. "I just... What if they're mean?" 

"They won't be mean," Ance assured her. "You're better off with them than you are with me. And I'll send a wire to that mama of yours and let her know you're here. If you're right and she gives two hoots in hell then she'll come for you soon enough." 

"She loves me," Penelope assured him. 

Ance knew the girl was wrong. Hell, Barnaby had bought Penelope from the woman! But if the girl needed to hold onto that hope then Ance wouldn't take it from her.... The world would teach her about true cruelty soon enough just as it did everyone.

Ance dismounted and pulled Penelope down with him. He sat her on her feet and held her steady as she gained her balance. He kept his steps small so that she could easily keep up as they walked through the gate and up the walk. Ance felt her tiny hand slip into his and instead of pulling away, he gave it a gentle squeeze. 

A matronly woman in a starched gray dress with a high necked collar stepped out onto the porch. She was wiping her hands dry on a cream colored apron and her tiny gray eyes narrowed at the sight of the two of them walking up to her porch. "Can I help you, sir?" she snapped, her beak-like nose raising as she pushed a strand of her gray hair, which had escaped her stern bun, away from her face. 

"I need to leave this girl here. I rescued her along the trail and she needs a safe place to stay. Her name is Penelope Reynolds. She says she has a mama that will come for her so I'm gonna wire the woman before I leave town and, if the girl is right, her mama should send word back and come for her." 

"I am right," Penelope whispered. 

The haughty woman stepped down off the porch and stared hard at Penelope who clung tighter to Ance's hand and pressed her tiny body as close as it could get to his leg. 

"You say you rescued her?" the woman sneered. 

Ance didn't like the implication in her tone. "That's what I said," he growled. 

"Are you sure you aren't the girl's father and simply dropping her off because you're tired of caring for a cripple?" 

Ance shook Penelope off of him and stepped forward. His huge frame loomed dauntingly over the woman's much smaller one and she blinked several times as she craned her neck to look up at his face. "You're questioning my damned word and I don't take too kindly to that," Ance warned. "Now, can you give the girl a safe place to stay or can't you?" 

The woman took a step back and her gaze went back to Penelope. She ran a hand over the deep lines of her brow and nodded. "I suppose we have room." 

Ance nodded before reaching in his pocket. He pulled out five of the ten dollars he'd looted from the men he'd killed earlier that day and handed them to the woman. "This should help with her upkeep a bit. Consider it a donation." 

The woman's lips pursed as if she'd been sucking on a lemon. "Thank you." 

Ance turned and began to stride away when Penelope cried out his name. He stopped and turned and saw her limping quickly toward him with tears streaking her freckled cheeks. 

"You're really leaving me?" she whispered. 

Ance swallowed hard, not understanding a damn bit why he felt so bone deep sad at that thought. He nodded slowly. "I have to, Penny. You ain't safe with me." 

She swiped the back of her hand over her damp cheek and shook her messy hair. "You won't hurt me." 

Ance sighed. He patted her head gently. "No, I won't, but I don't lead a safe life, Penny, and you could get hurt along the way. You're better off here." 

Penny sucked in big gasps of air and slowly her tears subsided. Ance stood there with his large hand on her tiny shoulder until she seemed okay and then he let his hand fall away. 

"You'll send word to my mama?" Penelope whispered. 

"I told you I would," Ance vowed. 

Penelope nodded. "Thank you for saving me." 

Ance simply tipped his head before turning his back to her and leaving as quickly as he could without running. Never in his life had he formed an attachment to anyone or anything but that damned girl had gotten under his skin....

She'd gotten under it real bad. 

A/N: i know it's short but some of the chapters will be just so i can upload and give you something to read. Life is still a bit crazy right now! Hopefully you still enjoyed it! I'll try to get the next chapter up within 24 hrs :) 

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