Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Audrey woke abruptly from a sound sleep. She sat up and blinked several times, attempting to recognize her surroundings. She'd been dreaming of Ance's calloused hands roaming her body and the tingles still resonating throughout her body told her that the dream had been a very good one.... 

But a dream was all it had been. The last two nights, Penelope had been plagued with nightmares and having a hard time sleeping so Audrey had cuddled her and held her close and Ance had simply watched on...neither had attempted a repeat of what they'd shared at the river three nights ago. 

Audrey was more than ready for all of this to be over. She was angry that her daughter had been put through such terrors simply because of a selfish man's blind desires and wounded pride. Every time Penelope whimpered during her nightmares, no doubt seeing images of the terrible men who had so far attempted to harm her, Audrey had felt a helpless rage grow stronger within her. She would do anything to protect her daughter but she had no way of fighting dreams. 

Audrey heard a groan and instinct had her glancing at Penelope before her good sense told her the groan had been far to deep to have come from her daughter. 

Her head whipped around to where Ance was sleeping on the other side of their dying fire and Audrey realized it was he who had been groaning. The man was writhing around in the dirt and appeared to be in pain as he battled with some unseen opponent.

Audrey pushed herself to her feet, careful not to disturb Penelope, and went to Ance's side. She crouched down and put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a gentle shake. Before she could whisper his name, his calloused hand shot out and closed tightly around her throat, cutting off her breath and any possibility of crying out. 

Audrey felt panic clutch at her heart as she clawed desperately at his arm and fought to get away from his vice-like grip. Ance's fingers were like steel and Audrey knew there would be bruises--if he let go before she died from lack of oxygen. 

Audrey managed to get her nails into his skin and she raked them down his forearm, fighting for dear life as her vision began to swim and her lungs burned. Ance's blue eyes flew open and the wildness in them did not bode well for her life. 

Then slowly, he blinked, his eyes widened and he released his hold on her just as quickly as he had taken it. Ance's sat up quickly, scooted back a bit and hopped to his feet as Audrey stayed on her knees and coughed due to the sudden rush of air to her abused lungs. 

"Audrey...." Ance whispered. "Damn, lady, are you alright?" 

Audrey managed to nod as she rubbed at her throbbing neck. "I'll be fine," she rasped. "Next time I wake you up, it'll be with a stick from a good long distance." 

Ance took hold of her elbow, much more gently than he had her throat, and pulled her up to her feet. He positioned her beside the fire, put his finger under her chin and tilted her head. Audrey's heart thundered at his nearness but any thoughts of romance quickly vanished when she heard his quick intake of breath followed by a string of curses that were quite colorful. 

"Dammit, Audrey, ya gotta let me be when I get like that. I didn't mean to hurt you," Ance scolded. 

Audrey scoffed. "I hardly think it's my fault, Ance. You were having a nightmare and I was simply trying to comfort you just as I would Penelope." 

Ance released his hold on her and stepped back, glaring every moment. "I don't need to be coddled like some goddamn child, Audrey." 

Audrey mocked his angry facial expression as she put her hands on her hips. "Fine, I'll never do anything to show I care about you again, you damn ogre." 

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