Chapter Forty-Five

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Chapter Forty-Five

"Damn, that was a rifle shot!" Ance growled. 

Were them damn coyotes back? It had to have come from the ranch which was over the next rise in the distance. Without waiting for Irish to respond, Ance kicked his mare into a gallop and raced toward the ranch. 

The house and barns came into view. Ance took in every sight and sound but could see or hear nothing out of place. The horses were quiet, the chickens were still, nothing was amiss. There were no coyotes that was for sure. 

So why the hell was someone shooting a rifle? 

Ance felt fear grip his heart and he rode his horse right up to the porch before leaping off and rushing into the house. He could hear sobs, Penelope's sobs. Ance pulled his gun and followed the sound of her crying. He found her near the back door and instantly he stopped. 

Penelope was clinging to Audrey who was on the ground, leaned against the wall and unconscious... at least he hoped she was only unconscious. She was covered in blood and her breathing was shallow. There was a rifle on the floor beside her which explained where the shot had come from. 

And the dead man on the floor must have been what she'd been shooting.  Ance went to the man and stared down at him with shock. He was covered in burn scars, monstrous and nearly unrecognizable but lying dead from a bullet hole to the chest was Rodger York. 

"Ance?" Penelope whispered. "Where were you?" 

Ance holstered his weapon and went to her. He scooped her into his arms and held her tight. "I had to go into town and pick up a few things. I thought I'd be back before you were awake." 

"He hurt mama," Penelope whimpered, pointing at Rodger. "And he hit me. Ance, is mama going to be okay? She fell asleep and won't wake up." 

"Who the devil is that?" Irish's voice came from behind them. 

"A dead man," Ance growled. "Take him outside, Irish, and then get to town and get the doc out here. Audrey's hurt bad." 

Without a smart comment or single word of argument, Irish grabbed Rodger under his arms and dragged the man out the back door. "Where's your brace, Penny?" Irish asked her. 

"In my room... I heard mama yelling and I heard him. I used the wall to hold myself up and slid down the stairs on my backside trying to get to her." 

Ance wanted to focus on Audrey but couldn't just leave Penelope down here. Hell, Audrey might be dying and Penelope didn't need to see that. Ance was stiff legged and fighting hard to remain cold and turned off to everything that was going on as he carried Penelope up the stairs. He sat her on her bed and helped her into her brace. 

"Now listen, I want you to stay up here until I come get you, okay? I'm going to tend to your mama and as soon as she's settled in and feeling a little better I'll come get you and let you come see her, okay?" 

"Okay...." Penelope was nearing tears again and Ance cursed under his breath. He grabbed her doll from the bed and handed it to her. 

"I need you to be strong for me, Penny. I can't be worrying about you while I'm trying to help your mama." 

Penelope hardened her chin, squared her shoulders and nodded. "Okay." 

Ance nodded, patted her head gently, taking note of the red welts on her cheeks. He took a deep shuddering breath and heading back downstairs. His heart was heavy and his chest tighter than he could ever remember as he stepped up to Audrey and knelt beside her. He ran a gentle finger down her cheek. "Audrey, I need you to wake up, lady. Come on now..." 

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