Chapter 2: Kidnapped

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I arrived back to camp just to see everyone
still arguing.

Mom had enough. She put a locating spell on the map. Everyone started to yell at her for her decision but the map Started to float away and soon everyone was following it, including me.

The map lead us into the dark forest. We arrived in a place with laundry hanging. Possibly a sign they're close.

There was a boy standing with his back face toward us.

Emma yelled "Henry!"

The boy turned around, revealing himself to not be Henry but to be Pan.

"Hello, Emma" he says.

Shocked she snaps at him. "Where is my son?"

"Henry? Oh, he's fine. It's you who you should be worrying about."

" what is that supposed to mean?" Emma fired back angrily.

Pan starts to slowly walk up the hill talking. "You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form. I expected more from you, Captain."

Dad shot back, "Aye and that you will get!"

Pan chuckled at the top of the hill and said "don't you know? Cheaters never win." and with that, Lost boys came out from all sides of the hill. Bow and arrows loaded.

"Careful mate. Their arrows are laced with Dreamshade." Dad said.

I drew my sword ready for action. I looked at Pan, who was staring at me. He had a smirk on his face. It wasn't the same as before. It was like I didn't know something. He had something planned.

Lost boys were coming at me from all directions. It was difficult to see with only the orange glow of the torches they held.

"Careful Ryan!" dad yelled as I dodged a sword.

Hook gets in a one on one with Felix, cursing as they fought.

I punctured a boy in front of me then uppercut the next one, throwing him the other direction. One after another I take them on, furthering myself up the hill.

When I try to take on the next boy I felt a very sharp pain in my side. I had been shot with an arrow.

In an effort to rid of the poison, I rip the arrow out and try to find water to wash the substance away.

I fall to the ground and four boys crowd around me, guarding me as another one carries me up the hill.

I slowly become weak and can feel myself drifting into sleep. I look at David. He sees me and tries to run uphill to save me.

"No!" He yells.

Snow warns "David look out!" And a boy slashes him with his sword.

Nearing closer to my death I try to fight the boy carrying me closer to his leader. I panic, kicking and screaming to free myself.

Once I was carried up to Pan I hear him say something. It was as if I was underwater. I could only hear him mumbling.

Soon, the pain took over and everything went black.


I woke up to see myself tied to a tree, marveled that I'm not dead. He kept me alive? I instantly wish that he hadn't. That means he wants me for something.

I'm still in pain. I have something covering the place where I was shot. A bandage of some sort.

And then his camp. Pans camp! The lost boys were there and everything. I was closer to finding Henry.

"Nice to see you again Ryan." I hear an all-too-familiar voice say. He walks into my line in vision.

" I didn't take you up on your offer for a reason Pan. Why am I here?" I ask him angrily.

"My reasons do not need to be shared with you. All you need to know is that you are mine now and you will have to follow my rules." He says sternly.

"I am not yours! I don't care who you are but I will never be owned by anyone!"

"Is that a challenge?" He smirked.

"No!" I say in a defiant manner. "Its a promise."

He noticed my threat and slowly started to close the space between us, kneeling down.  "Don't get to confident. You will do as I say or you will be punished." His words truly frightened me.

I wanted to show him that I wasn't afraid, that he can't hurt me. I knew he brought me here for a reason and that alone was frightening. But... that also meant that he couldn't hurt me.  You can't hurt what you need... right?

He looks at my side. "Hope I didn't get you to hard" he says. My attention directed to my wound

"How am I not dead?"

"It wasn't dream shade. It was just something to knock you out for a bit. Nothing too harsh." He says getting back on his feet.

"Pan!" One of the boys called. He started to walk their way.

"Why do you need Henry?" I ask again. He looked back at me and walked away. My hated toward him grew stronger.


She's a powerful individual. She doesn't know that. I simply took her for her magic. Nothing more, nothing less.

It amuses me how she tries to sound confident. She is just a girl. She's weak. Defiant but weak.

Neverland will break her at some point. It does to all of us.

I walk over to Chance, who had called me earlier.  "What is it?"

"What should we do with Henry now that the girl is here?"

"Move him farther away from here. Tie him to a tree and wait." I say

"Wait for what?" He asks cautiously.

"Wait for her to make a move."


I study my surroundings remembering what I need to. I have to escape Neverland with Henry so will never have to come back again.

I try to use my magic to release myself but it fails to work as usual. It never helps me when I need it to.

This means I don't have an easy way out. My hands start to feel the ground behind me. I get a hold of a pennant shaped rock.

It's blunt. I use another rock to sharpen it and soon I'll be able to cut the ropes free. A lost boy passes by me and I stop. Once he leaves I get to work.

I'm coming Henry.



So there you go for the second chapter!

So now we know why Pan has kidnapped her but why is he keeping her?

Please comment! I love to hear your thoughts on my writing.

Please check out my other story The Monster Inside Me

I will try to keep up on updates the best I can.

Best wishes!!!!!!!!

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