Chapter 8: Knowing Why

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Peter was tricking me the whole time. It all makes sense now. It wasn't a dream, it was a vision. Visions are always true.

He brought me here so he could take advantage of me. I don't know what he wants but I know he was never interested in being friends. He was trying to get on my good side.

I won't make that mistake again.

I felt cold. Something was different. I opened my eyes and remembered yesterday.

I was still in Ryan's tent. I had fallen asleep! I could hear the boys outside. They were all awake and I had the joy of walking out of her tent in front of the boys. This wasn't gonna be forgotten.

I walk out, not bothering to meet the eyes of the others but I could hear their whispers.

"Calm down," I chuckled. "It's not what you think."

I noticed Ryan wasn't in camp. I never told her she could leave. I start to search for her, hoping that she's not trying to leave.

I couldn't go back to camp, couldn't face the monster. I decided I would live out of this shelter for a while.

I grab some leftover buckets and head off to a nearby river. I couldn't shake my feelings and thoughts of him.

I can't seem to figure out why this has bothered me so much. I have been hurt far worse in the past but none of it seemed to be that bad compared to now.

I guess it was that I started to trust him when he was lying the whole time. I couldn't escape these thoughts that taunted me for an unknown reason.

I dip the bucket into the river water, as I watched it rush in and swirl around the tin walls. Lifting it out of the water, I notice the presence of the boy dressed in green.

I drop the bucket in fear, water splashing everywhere.

"Get away from me," I murmur. He steps a bit closer, his face showing confusion and concern. "Get away from me!" I yelled, backing up.

"Ryan, what's wrong? Why are you scared?" He asked.

"GET BACK!" I yell as my magic sends him flying backward into a tree. He falls to the ground. I take off, running back to my shelter. I had hurt him and I didn't feel sorry.

She was gone. I had scared her away from me. I didn't chase her down. I had no plans on punishing her. This was my fault.

She was scared of me and I have ruined my chances. Over time I have found that maybe I was... wrong about something. Maybe I am able to grow fond of someone as I have to her.

I wanted her to trust me so that maybe something can happen between us but, I've messed it up. It's happening all over again.

I want to go back home! I don't care if nobody there loves me. I just want to leave or die. In a very short amount of time, I seemed to of reached my breaking point.

My mind was reliving every incident that has happened for the past month. It was now as if he did them all again now. I was getting riled up.

I wasn't gonna wait around for a smug, prideful, bipolar coward like him. I have to do something and I had to do it now. In a rage, I grab my knife and leave my shelter.

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